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  1. Inspector

    Trig formula for splayed box

    By a butt joint he is asking for the sides and ends to tilt out. Instead of a miter joint in the corners it is square to the face of the adjoining board plus whatever angle adjustment is needed to allow for the slope of the hopper. In other words tilt the sides out while keeping the end square...
  2. Inspector

    Air tank

    Personally I would not use expired vessels made for other things as compressed air tanks. Not worth the risk. However if I were I would pressure test them NOT WITH AIR but with WATER. If the tank is filled with air and it lets go you may get killed or severely injured. A tank failure while...
  3. Inspector

    Dining Room Carver Chairs

    🥶 -31ºC, sunny, with wind chill of -41ºC here this afternoon. I think if I stepped into +37ºC right now I would pass out and be a raisin in the middle of a big puddle. I also enjoy looking at Derek's threads. Pete
  4. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    I have seen a YouTube in the past where a couple guys had a blade brake circular saw. I don't remember the details but I believe it worked for kickbacks based one the direction or inertia change. Can't find it so if you want more you'll have to dig around for it. Pete It was American so you...
  5. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    Bingy man I predict that if the US mandates the flesh detecting or hand proximity to blade technology for all table saws sold there that it won't be all that long before they become commonplace in the UK. Not because your rule makers will mandate it but because the US is the largest saw market...
  6. Inspector

    Vfd vs dps vs new motor help

    Some VFDs can have external resisters added (bigger on heat sinks) for braking demands greater than the VFD is made for. Pete
  7. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    The inventor went to all the machine makers in the US when he came up with the device. They didn't want anything to do with it because among other things, it would require spending money on new tooling to make, felt it would make them liable if someone got hurt with older saws without the device...
  8. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    There will always be reckless people that think a safety device will let them be safe while being stupid. It might however give them a second chance to smarten up and change their unsafe practices. If it doesn't then something else will take them out, preferable before they reproduce. Pete
  9. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    Blade brakes in the context of the opening post of this thread refer to a flesh detection system that stops and drops the blade below the table in milliseconds to prevent life altering injuries, amputations. The electric motor braking you refers to are to stop a blade after being shut off and...
  10. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    With respect to the SawStop you are once again spouting off about something you do not have any experience with or know about. The braking remains active when the saw is shut off until the blade has stopped spinning. It is not a cheap and simple thing to build in as it needs an entirely...
  11. Inspector

    Sander and vacuum

    I have a Mirka. Works well and very low vibration. If you have the compressed air their air powered sanders are close to one third the price of an electric. At the moment I use a shop vac pulling the air through an accessory cyclone. When I grow up and get rich I want the matching Mirka...
  12. Inspector

    Saw stop ( USA )

    The SawStop can be bypassed but it is a deliberate two hand operation, one to turn a key and a second to hold the start button for a few seconds until the blade is up to speed. If you shut the saw off after the cut you will have to go through the procedure every time you want to start it. Used...
  13. Inspector

    Smartwatch for the workshop

    I have had an Apple Watch for about a year to maybe two. 🤔 When messages, a phone call and I think emails, comes in the watch vibrates a little for a moment alerting you. You can set it so nothing makes it vibrate if you don't want the alerts. I put on the watch when I wake up and take it off...
  14. Inspector

    The screw up fairy…

    Beats me with her wand regularly. 😔 Pete
  15. Inspector

    Portable table saw advice?

    I was helping a buddy the other day set up his SawStop Compact Saw. He has the optional stand and set up is quite solid yet the saw can be carried with one hand. I think it weighs about 30 kilos. I noticed in the information on the saw that they have a 50hertz version for Australia so perhaps...
  16. Inspector

    Black walnut cheaper alternative

    This is a link to a retailer in Calgary with what they sell and their prices. Same stuff here is 20% or more. To me Walnut for a project that I can carry out on my shoulders isn't going to be a lot more than if it were a cheaper wood. I can see that you would be looking at Walnut as an import...
  17. Inspector


    You know there is an opening for a wise crack about you cutting your hair when you have your seasonal bath right? 😉🤣 Pete
  18. Inspector

    Black walnut cheaper alternative

    An end table isn't a big item. How much do you believe you will save buying cheaper wood? Here I would tell you to buy Alder as it can be stained to look like almost anything. I have no idea if it is available in the UK. I'd still get the Walnut as I am not terribly proficient at staining. Being...
  19. Inspector

    Can anyone tell me what these are?

    Ball ended tools may be go/no go gauges for specific jobs. A part would be placed in a fixture with a template around it and the ball run along the template to check the part. If the small ball did not fit then the part was oversize and if the large ball did then it was undersize. It is a...
  20. Inspector

    Paint remover (for concrete floor)

    Look into concrete shot blasters at tool rental places. Pete