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  1. S

    Sizing hand cut dovetails

    I'm interested in how ya'all determine the size for your pins and tails when you do handcut dovetails. Thought I read somewhere that there were "10 suggestions" or something like that for laying them out. I know there is suppose to be a 1/2 pin at each end. I kinda just make them look...
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    Thought for today

    Mike Didn't know you had that hillbilly heart :lol: :lol: 95 degrees and 95% humidity try sprayin lacquer in that :lol:
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    Thought for today

    Devon Wish I could. It took me years to find the lyrics and what you see. I was going to see if my neighbor could put it together with the chords listed in the song Sorry Dave
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    Ask your supplier/s if they carry the Freud SD506. I think Amazon has it
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    Thought for today

    Heres a song from one of our better known hillbilles for you musical types Rainbow Stew performed and written by Merle Haggard transcribed by Phillip Taylor There's a [C] big brown cloud in the city and the [F] countrys siding with [C] sin. The [F] price of life is too [C] high to give up...
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    Check with Freud if you can. I think they will custom bore them for you.. Actually any good sharpening place should be able to rebore them.. freud has a very good 6" dado. i run on my ryobi BT3000
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    I fear the "Slope" has caught me buy surprise

    Man i can't believe it. i got another orange impulse nailer I'll trade you for them two Norris just the way they are. I'll even throw in a Bosch power hand planer. :lol: I think Alf shoud report you to the appropriate authorities for everyday those planes are not cleaned and used!! All I ever...
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    quilt stand progress

    WHOA hold on here!! A week to rearrage shop and new machinery and NO pictures. Come on now lets see the iron.!! :lol:
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    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    ED451 My thought is that if you can do nice crisp and clean joint in pine your on the HI roadn IMHO \:D/ :D
  10. S

    Winding sticks

    I have three main planes a 15" wooden, a 20 year old ECE smoother and a knight smoother all who spend there life on there side to the right of me when there not in use. Which is daily. I would lose them if I put them away. I'd forget what I did with them!!
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    I have been interested in the Woodrats and since hangin around here and litening to everyone I wonder how you like them. And how are there HSS router bits. Do they hold up?? how expensive are they. I'd send for the video but its cheaper to ask here , and probably more reliable :) It has to...
  12. S

    "A bit of two worlds"

    Looks like you had some fun with the lathe on this one. The angel is nicely detailed. HAs a 3d look about it But!!! that don't look like a store bought table there all sitting on?? :whistle: :lol:
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    Dog holes

    Heres a link to a guys bench and pictures of his dog holes. ... read=71502 is a good website specially the handtools side. Lot of good people on there. But for me the People across the pond are easier to make...
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    Planing technique

    Griggs Try this ... 20Base.htm He has a database for all kinds of hand tool stuff. i would make sure that you become familiar and have your plane sharp and "tuned up". Its the vital first techinique. Everything else is secondary. With a lot of practice...
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    Drum / Thicknessing Sander

    THere was an article in FWW (Fine Woodworking) in the early days about building your own drum sander. I believe they have an archive you can search on there website. Dave
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    New to this forum

    Welcome to the forum Dark sider here and I'm on Alf's side :) MOst of my iron is Miller Falls and Wood. with a couple 45/55 thrown in. Can't afford them fancy planes. Sure would like to have a couple though.
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    Something for the Tricycle Motors

    HI guys Tricycle motors are: Rug rats, Crumb crunchers, gelphlings, and a few other names I can't think of right now. your basic newborn to kindergartener. Gill The top unit is a dry sink from colonial days. It done in childs scale. I had the plans since 1985 but see that they are available...
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    Question for American members

    You can dust with Rotenone (its an organic) or Sevin and I think there is a soap you can spray that keeps them away. And I don't think they like tobacco juice sprayed on the leaves. All my potates ,tomates and sqash are slowly dying from a blight brought here by my Irish ancestors. :lol...
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    Something for the Tricycle Motors

    Around here Christmas shopping starts the first weekend in August with the 127 yard sale. Its a 454 mi (760 km) sale that runs through 4 states. And with 16 grand tricycle motors of my own I have to start early if any of them get anything. This year I'm concentrating on the (4) 1-3 year...
  20. S

    radial arm saw

    Going way out on a limb here. But looking at that EUMENIA radial arm. It looks very similar to the ones INCA use to sell. Just a thought as I obviously am not versed on european tools... Albiet the way things are going down hill here that could change. :D