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  1. S

    12 hrs and counting

    MikeW Hey Mike post some picture of that remodel will ya. I haven't done anything like that since I left Colorado. Everything out here is termite barf. Even in the expensive homes. I guess I did do one coffered ceiling about two years ago in gatlinburg but the guy decided to help. We...
  2. S

    The Perfect Router

    HAte to say it but this all sounds a lot like a shaper to me :lol: :lol: Since you don't use dado's , maybe you 've never done free hand shaping on a shaper either :? :?
  3. S

    Ultimate Workstation - New build

    Lynx Waterhead It came to me in a dream one night and I had some time over a weekend. But somebody for got to remind me that I needed a pay check. Hopefully this winter it will get finished. Along with a lot of other things. Sometimes I wish this was just a hobby.
  4. S

    Does anybody over there WEAR these

    If I had to wear one of them. I'd be wearin my Hanes boxers if I didn't get shot first. Besides they cost as much as a new LNBU smoother. Know where my money would go. I only by Carpenters Jean cutoffs at WalMart when there on sale 9.00US :lol: :lol:
  5. S

    "Splain" me this

    "Story sticks" are my first choice. Like having the room or piece of furniture right with you
  6. S

    "Splain" me this

    I think its the warm beer
  7. S

    Ultimate Workstation - New build

    I really like this thread. And both of the stations look good. I like the fence idea. I hope you people will continue to post pics as things go on. I started this one about 5 months ago :oops: Its a comprismise as I use it for layout and productin of face frames for cabinets I put...
  8. S

    NEPINE - Anyone in UK bought from this USA company?

    Never heard of them over here. But did a Google and came up with this. ... chi,Nepine They evidently just sell to the UK market I will ask on Knots forum. Lot of New Englanders on there
  9. S

    Does anybody over there WEAR these

    Somehow I just can't equate these with the traditional Scottish Kilt. And God help the man working under the ladder or scaffold :lol: Of course now Steve may shave his legs and use the appropriate body lotion. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. S

    Does anybody over there WEAR these
  11. S

    Entertaining... and free

    I can't believe it. :shock: :shock: I know I had that book when I was a kid. Thats what I used to ruin dads saws and chisels And it got me interested in Steam Engines. Alas that was one dream I could only think about drool when I went to the steam engine shows but never afford. "Murica"...
  12. S

    "Splain" me this

    Yea Like I wouldn't be confused NOw there pushin "BOBS"
  13. S

    Page 25

    Mike LV This LV that BU BD HABD LABU Just keep pushin the envelope . SHEESH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Woodies Rule :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Someday!!!
  14. S

    Why Don't you post

    Newbies should post. You can learn from them. They haven't learned the "religion" yet and can come up with some good ideas. My son still learns me a thing or two. Besides I think the let us "Muricans" on here for the Humor :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. S

    "Splain" me this

    I picked up a Stanley 26' / 8meter tape. The Metric side is all CM. But nobody ever talks CM. But I'm right in thinking that there are 10 mm per CM . And each one of them little black lines is a MM. :lol: :lol: :lol: HOw come nobody ever says CM. :lol: :lol:
  16. S

    Planer / Thickness Query

    I would go with the thicknesser (murican planer) too. As was said before you can straight edge on a table saw. You can also set up a router and a fence to use as a planer (murican jointer) And if you pick up FWW about two issues ago there is a jig to flatten a board in a thicknesser. Most...
  17. S

    601/2 block planes.

    You could try the Miller Falls 16. they go off reasonable and have pretty good blades. I thinke there is a 59 and 75 also. Maybe a little bigger
  18. S

    Page 25

    Isn't there some rule about pornography on this site . Especiallly for us poor people. Were the most vurnerable. :roll: :cry:
  19. S

    ALF and other Boat Anchor Lovers

    Heres are pictures of a molding for the mirror frame These are pics of the THIRD time. The first time was a dry run just to get and idea of what the set up would be and what would happen. The second time I tried to start with a round over first, then the cove then the botttom roundover...
  20. S

    ALF and other Boat Anchor Lovers

    I'm in the middle of making a molding to repair a mirror right now. I'm using a combination 45 and 55. The molding profile couldn't be reproduced with a router. I will post pictures (for what there worth) tonight. I recently posted pictures of the beaded casing I made for a corner...