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  1. S

    Space Shuttle

    Spent a little and put my frustration to work revamping our space shuttle program. Us hillbillies have to make do though
  2. S

    Yet more Startrite SDX310 planer problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One other thing I have thought of. Once the board gets 12 inches or so past the cutter you should concentrate your efforts on the out feed table. A lot of people push through on the infeed table. That is incorrect. it actually should be "pushed and pulled" through on the outfeed table
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    Yet more Startrite SDX310 planer problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes When I 'm doing a long board I have to run it off at both ends first before I run the whole thing through. That way it doesn't lift when the last few inches hit the infeed table or run off the outfeed table. IN other words I kind of straighten it by eye and it maybe slightly convex...
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    Yet more Startrite SDX310 planer problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AH!! yes we do tend to mis things up! You said that your tables are OK but have you checked them with a straight edge from end to end. i had one that the outfeed table dropped at the end. I had to shim the ways. And your sure the knives are not just slightly above the outfeed table ? It...
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    Yet more Startrite SDX310 planer problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If your 1mm is the same as whats on my "Murican tape" then your about as close as I've seen portable planers get. Assuming yours is that kind. Fact is most planers I've seen are only good to about 5-10 thousandths. If you want it spot on the you have to use one of those things you push around...
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    Earth Google

    Very Nice. But where us hilbillies live is blank :? Hope that isn't foretelling the future. A-Bomb plant is jsut over the hill :)
  7. S

    US hurricane and Europeans

    ALf and others I apologise if I stirred anything up. Sometimes my patience is not good.. Watching these people (black and white) suffer and not do anything to help themselves is more that I can comprehend. I also if you will allow me . Hopefully calm and misgivings or fears by having you all...
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    US hurricane and Europeans

    The rescue has nothing to do with black or white. There was a city just to the west a few miles of mostly white people. They just didn't wait for the goverment. They got busy ans started doing things for themselves and they brought thousands of blacks in and go t them clothed and fed. I was...
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    I think most of the cost of fuel over there is taxes isn't it ??
  10. S

    US hurricane and Europeans

    I think some of you Brits , Scot,Irish French etc. need to come over here and give people a lesson on how you get through a disaster. While I feel for my fellow americans. I think they are the biggest bunch of belly achers. Today when some food got through, military MRE. A lady took it and...
  11. S

    help needed

    When I make fitted stuff I use what we call "tick sticks" There are other names for them. But basiclly it two 1x1 sticks you put between the walls at what ever positions that are critical and mark them and add what ever notation you feel is necessary. (can't ever be too much). What you...
  12. S

    Weather concern

    Gasoline is now 3-5.00 a gallon. up from 2.21 US. And we don't have near the taxes ya'all got on yours. 120.00 US to fill up my truck. It nuts LOL
  13. S

    12 hrs and counting

    MIke W Sorry but not suprised at what you found. I find the hard part for me is KNOWING the difference. and having my own high personal standards. FOr me doing my standard or work against whats there draws attention but not the desire that anyone feels its worth anymore than what they are...
  14. S

    Weather concern

    Well I got two acres of leaves, branches and water. There were some places around that got power knocked out. There was some flooding east of me. An heard of a tornado south of me. I'm about 400-600 miles north of were it hit. Lousiana and Mississiippi Coast are wiped out. Dikes busted in...
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    12 hrs and counting

    Around here. What they usually do is hire somebody cheap to build it. Then pay somebody that knows what there doing less than should to fix the other guys FU's. i did it for a while. it just drove me nuts. We call it makin chicken salad out of chicken sh*t I hope its different for you.
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    12 hrs and counting

    MikeW So how did it go with the "bigboys" today Got a call from a guy to go hang 5 inch crown. They were unbelivably bad As far as price is concern. Welcome to Tennessee. Woman is upset. Wants her bathroom remodeled. Evrything to be white, white,and white. Told her we had...
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    Dovetail Practice

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    Dovetail Practice

    Ain't you the same guy that just put that cabinet up too. Your on fire. Dovetails like that will put some extra jingle in your pocket. Heh? :lol:
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    Something for the Weekend Sir

    Thats Higrade Aint it nice to have stuff up and outa the dirt. Someday I will do that. Like the workbench there settin there waitin on me. :cry:
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    12 hrs and counting

    MikeW I think you'll do just fine. And probably be pretty disapointed in the "Big Boys"