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  1. S

    Anybody want to talk a little about French provincial

    picked up a book while in Williamsburg by Henri Algoud, Leon LeClerc and Paul Baneat on French provincial furniture. Some I could replicate and would like to. But I wonder if there are any design books about it. Also I was stuck by their raised panels and al the decoration. (i don't know what...
  2. S

    Williamsburg Va

    I'll try and get them over to imageshack and post them. your right about how few tools they actually have. Didn't see a lot in the chest either. i have been considering thinning out the herd. After going there I've decide to do it. More time for actual woodworking.
  3. S

    Williamsburg Va

    Hey Mike Anytime you or anybody want to stop around and see the east coast sites your welcome to stay here for a night or two. Gotta be prepared for the hillbilly life style. Lots of shop talk. And I'm just starting remodeling this place inside and out. More outside right now
  4. S

    Williamsburg Va

    They have a small display area for furniture on the left side under the dark roof. There was a harpsichord in there like the one on the bench. i talk with Mr Headly in that room and I think the are making another one.. Work doesn't not progress quickly in the shop because of tourists. they...
  5. S

    Williamsburg Va

    Don't have any more pictures of the shop. but i do have pictures of a couple kitchens from one of he taverns ,some of he buildings. Oh wait. I do have some of the barn they were buildin.pit saw,shnitselbunks (sp) :) shave horses for shingles. I'll try to get those up if ya want.
  6. S

    Williamsburg Va

    If I remember right it actually has two speeds :) There are five people that work in the shop. (its about 24xi30 ft) one is a young apprentice who gets to spend as much time as he likes turning that big wheel for someone when they need him :)
  7. S

    Williamsburg Va

    Hope I'm not being to forward here. Thought you might like to see some pictures of the Anthony Hay shop around 1650. if these are to big maybe someone can resize them. Startin left to right clockwise. Its and English shop with 5 people working in it. the benches are all Englsih style...
  8. S


    Been a busy year. 25 states 25 stores Kansas to Va Miami to Boston 80 hour weeks. So i just been lurkin. i sure thought AHoman had it right The saws are lookin really great. Gonna put that in next years budget :) I'll be watchin to see who gets it right :) By the way I was...
  9. S


    Sounds right THis set has 7 though pieces that is
  10. S


    Try some "murican" style. its what this hillbilly wears ... =Carpenter
  11. S

    Royalty has its priviliges

    Well it turns out that Wed nights is going to be Brit night on Tv here. After the queen was on there was a hour long program on the fire bombing of London through several people lives. IT was about trying to save the cathedral. Nasty stuff that was. But it turns out that both programs and...
  12. S

    Royalty has its priviliges

    Watching a public television program on windsor castle. It was about preparing for a state doins. Took like six months preparation. the Queen checked it all. There was a short thing on C branch. guess their the furniture guys. They showed one of Prince Phillips favorite tables. Mad out of...
  13. S

    HI guys. If you like woodworking - A little american excess

    Did anyone notice the pool (billiard) table with the lolly column in the middle. Any reasoning behind something like that ?
  14. S

    HI guys. If you like woodworking - A little american excess

    Don't get a chance to see the inside of many places like this. thought you might enjoy it. Lots of Pics may take a while to load ... otohosting
  15. S

    Lancelot Chain Saw Blade

    I have one I use a lot. Probably one of the more potentially dangerous tools there is. Be best if you started on some soft scrap wood, preferably a peice of log. As thats what there meant for. Make sure the piece is held absolutely secure. Make sure the grinder has the side handle on it and...
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Manchester's Musical Planes on Ole Jack Lane
  17. S

    interesting video

    I heard about the first plane while I was at work. I watched the second plane go into the building. the reason the buildings fell you won't hear about. But the enviormetalist had raised hell about asbestos insulation being blown on the steel of the building. Kinda like paper mache. So they...
  18. S

    Bedales School

    Thanks Dave But I found that one. I've seen some big color pictures but can't get to them. I understand there is some history on there construction too :)
  19. S

    Bedales School

    Does anyone have any links where there is information and pictures of the Bedales School library and theatre didn't find any on their website. Dave
  20. S


    These guys should have one ... OAod-gRoKw I'm partial to the Hart Hammers last 20 years. Cant beat wood handle. Estwings are pretty though