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  1. S

    A hillbilly Thankyou

    Talk like that will get ya throwed in the slammer here in the "colonies" Ya'll be racist ,sexist pigs :lol: Keep it up :lol: its good to see somdbody not be so serious for a change Is GIL a lady too??
  2. S

    A hillbilly Thankyou

    Signal Mountain is about 50 miles (80KM) from me. Go by there every time I get hardwood. Now about girl friends. Are the English. (Don't know what you call your conglomeration of countries over there . I'm Irish :) ) like the french (hope I'm not cussin here) I'm just askin ALF. Your...
  3. S

    Any stair builders out there

    Turns out lady luck was on my side. It was a foreign term from virginia. Local thing. it is the diagonal
  4. S

    A hillbilly Thankyou

    ya'all are just to cool :D And thanks ALF your a great lady Oh and sorry about the queens english :lol:
  5. S

    A hillbilly Thankyou

    Just like to say how much I enjoy this forum , the people and a view from a different sort of perspective. i do have one question. Since ya'll don't speak kerrect "english" :D Where would a guy get a book on the "kings english" ? for the few things I can't figure out. :D Thanks...
  6. S

    Any stair builders out there

    Hi Rodger I'm familiar with the going. And after looking through all my stair books and not finding and metnion of it. I think it was a local thing and it has to do with the distance on the diagonal from nosing to nosing. Or in other words as one would be walking up and pulling on the railing...
  7. S

    Any stair builders out there

    Have a situation where the call for "the pull" when laying out a set of stairs. Any ya'all have an idea what that is.
  8. S

    Need help making suitable handles!

    How about just touch latches on doors and drawer. :D
  9. S

    Stanley55 nuts and bolts

    Thankyou gents
  10. S

    Stanley55 nuts and bolts

    Hi Ya'all I got a couple 55's and a 45 that don't have normal "merican bolts. And i know that there not metric. i happen to remember from my BSA/Norton days that you guys used a Whitworth thread. Reckon they could be that. And are they available over there TIA
  11. S

    Where are your tools made

    NOw I got to apologize twice. that uses up the whole year. First my apologize to the LADY :D Second being a knot head at heart which one are you :oops: As for the romance of woodworking I save that for when I'm reading a ww mag or on a forum. when I go to the shop I just grumble :)...
  12. S

    Where are your tools made

    Thanks Gentlemen I was wanting to put things into perspective. Never know unless you ask. Maybe I an alone in thinking the old country does a better job in keeping the traditions and romance of woodworking.:) Looks like were all in the same boat. I wonder where are allegiance will be in a...
  13. S

    Where are your tools made

    Mike I resolve the electron burners as if they were the appretices of old. I agree with you mostly about where there made. I should add I have a ELU TGS 182 that is older than dirt and still going strong. But look what B&D did to them. My son in law is a tool and die maker and has a lot to...
  14. S

    Where are your tools made

    Mike As I would prefer to work with handtools primarily,making a living requires the old electrons. :) I guess that is what i was mostly wondering about. But there were no forums on those that I saw.:) i have tools from knight,Sphear.lee valley.RBI etc. And they are good tools. I would...
  15. S

    Where are your tools made

    OVer here in the colonies we don't seem to be able to make any decent tools anymore. With few exceptions. Lee Valley ,LN and a few others who seem to understand how to do it. We have a mass exodus for cheap rubbish from china. More and more we look to european tools fro quality. So I was...