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  1. S

    Dado's - This practice is UNSAFE.

    The whiperwill is a (forest) floor nesting bird with a song that will make you cry for the rest of the world. I think it's a siren's song. It sounds just like the name Whip-er-wiillll. ( a little shrill on the end) Just to add fuel to the dado fire. the small Delta saws will come apart...
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    Dado's - This practice is UNSAFE.

    If any of you come to the "colonies" for vacation. you can come stay at my house. I'll take you to the shop and show you dado's are not to be feared on a table saw or radial arm :D Then we'll drink your favoritie if we can find it :D Sit in the rocker on the porch and listen to the...
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    Dado's - This practice is UNSAFE.

    Guess this must be one of them scary "murican things". As an "murican" i use one almost every day. I would never stack several blades together. Blades, especially carbide blades have teeth that are wider than the body. even if you offset them you are putting them in a pinch. And as was...
  4. S

    Hello everybody.

  5. S

    Hello everybody.

    Ya'all shouldn't give up. Sorry to hear about your back troubles. I've fought discs in my neck for thirty years. There was an article in the last FWW (I think) about a guy in a wheelchair . he was doin some nice stuff and gettin along OK. I know your brain is still 20. i say fight it and...
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    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    I just bought to of Vlad's saws a few months back.. I have two PAX tenon and dovetail saws but they don't cut for mud (gonna have to take time and redo them) and the handles are too small. The saws I got from vlad cut like butter and the handles are extrordinary. Outstanding IMHO =D>
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    Screws and pilot holes

    Mike W Do you actually drill and tap the hardwood. SOunds like it would work to me in harder woods but how about stuff like cherry and poplar :-k
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    Particle board - US/UK definition

    I can agree with Rodger. Except around here MDF is know as Termite Barf (it is more digested) and Chipboard,particleboard is called sawdust board. The high density is only used for cheap counter tops and really really cheap (aka WalMart) furniture. Most of that being made close to where I...
  9. S

    Plan Printing

    MA'am I think you can load them into Adobe Reader. Then print them out on one sheet. But you would still have to take them to Kinko's to be re-sized. You can good multiple sheet printouts in Autocadd LT (don't hit me 8-[ ) i've foune out that if you scan them they can get distorted big...
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    Flexible Tapering Jig

    Now what makes ya'all think that "murican" woodworking scary ? :-k :D
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    Tote Sport

    ALf great looking handle. you seem to have a talent with the rasp and file. very nice curves. If you would like to continue the practice (so as not to lose your touch) I have several Stanleys that could use handles and totes. :D
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    Rogues' Gallery Picture Submissions

    Thanks Charley I gotta know if Brian made all this money working wood. Cause I need the secrets :D Or maybe these are just his golf carts :D
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    Rogues' Gallery Picture Submissions

    Charley Nice Beemer( right). How do you like it. Does the Mrs. ride too.? Must have spent a lot of time in the shop making something to pay for that thing. :) I collect and restore old Bultaco dirt bikes. had to quit racing couple years ago. Spent a lot of time on Norton Commando's and...
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    Tool Chest Challenge proposal

    US Muricans like to put fancy edges on things. Any room for a 45/55, or router,or hollow and rounds.
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    Rogues' Gallery Picture Submissions

    Jeesh guys. I don't very often go showing off. didn't think about the bench when Isent the picture. The bench is about like charley said I think. its 42" wide by 96" long. The top is 2-3/4" thick maple and walnut and sets on a 4"x4"frame and panel base. It has 4 vises, the end vise...
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    router/table saw combination

    My Unisaw sets so the right extension table is against the wall. I have a router insert on the right side of the blade close to the right side of the wall. Then there is a top ,both infeed and outfee, that hooks to the wall. Like shoving a Tinto the wall top first... Hope this makes...
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    kitchen doors 2 questions

    When I make flat panel doors I lay the stock flat. Cut my grooves and then reset the bit deeper and cut the mortises. It can be done either way but to me its easier to control when the stock is flat. On that nice piece of beech. If your up to it you can rip it to the thickness you...
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    A hillbilly Thankyou

    For southerners thats what we get in the neck,back or other body joint. As In "I got a bad Crick in the neck". But really we have a description of a sport called baseball (which I never watch) It was by Abott & Costello called "Who's on first" And work has moved into the speed lane so it looks...
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    What do you think to the latest GWW?

    I'm pretty sure they are trying to market GWW over hear. i use to get it back it the 80's when Antony Talbot was editor. I liked. And I pick up an issue now and then off the stand. There also hawking two other mags. one is a router rag with an "murrican" flavor (Gil :) ). But at 60.00 a...
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    A hillbilly Thankyou

    I think I would like to faces to all of you. Is there a gallery on here where you all are. Over hear a maiden is someone who hasn't . And thats all I'm going to say about that. I think what i like about this forum is you all still have a sense of history and "carrying on" the...