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  1. el_Pedr0

    How should I construct this shelf?

    Some follow up questions for @Droogs or @CaptainBudget, if i may. How deep should I cut the channel in the 19mm MDF carcass sides for the housing joint? And with this housing joint, would you make the shelf exactly to the width between the carcass sides plus the depth of the channels? Or is it...
  2. el_Pedr0

    How should I construct this shelf?

    Two other things that might have a bearing here. 1) the front member of this shelf has two notches (19mm x 37mm) cut out to allow for the vertical 'fascias' on the unit. Does this create a weak point if it is made out of 19mm thick solid walnut? - i.e. might that front strip snap off? 2) I am...
  3. el_Pedr0

    How should I construct this shelf?

    OK. Great. So mortice and tenon or mitre and spline. Sounds like M/T has the advantage of strength - even though this is just for handbags and such rather than my power tools. But would one suit a contemporary design more than the other? I do like the look of this joint. But the fact that you...
  4. el_Pedr0

    How should I construct this shelf?

    Hi all. The drawer unit I'm designing has a shelf with an inlaid glass panel. I'm planning to make this cabinet out of walnut veneered mdf for the panels and solid walnut for various parts where the edge will be visible. My provisional plan for this shelf is to make it out of four lengths of...
  5. el_Pedr0

    Looking for fixing recommendations for glass shelves (and glass thickness)

    Tonk strip - that looks like a good option. thanks. Also still keen to hear of any other options that are even more discrete, even if they don't offer much or any adjustability.
  6. el_Pedr0

    Looking for fixing recommendations for glass shelves (and glass thickness)

    Hi all, I'm designing a walk in wardrobe with a display unit. Can you recommend fixings for the glass shelves please. The sides of the unit will be 19mm walnut veneer mdf and back will be a mirror stuck on 6mm mdf. There's an overlapping fascia on the front, so the shelves won't be able to...
  7. el_Pedr0

    OpenCutList looks insanely good

    I was just about to post my sketch up model for critiquing when I stumbled across a previous discussion on the software. In that thread there's a casual mention of OpenCutList. Holy moly - that thing looks like it is a gift from the gods. 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️ I'm pretty excited about it - so much so that I...
  8. el_Pedr0

    Wanting to build a door for a glorified shed with a bit of substance

    Thank you! Saves me a bunch of time trying to educate myself.
  9. el_Pedr0

    Wanting to build a door for a glorified shed with a bit of substance

    Hi @Glitch. Another question for you, if I may. I'm getting round to doing the door and was wondering whether you knew the dimensions of the timber your joiner used for the door (perhaps still exposed on the inside?). It all seems very deliberate because the bottom ledge is markedly wider than...
  10. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    Some before and during photos.. . Before : After reviver During Polishing :
  11. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    I think I'm answering my own question. From the Liberon site: Step Eleven – Burnishing A French polish finish does not have to be a high gloss mirror finish every time, sometimes a softer level of sheen is required. To achieve this all you have to do is to allow the polished surface to harden...
  12. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    Just tried a bit of French polish on the underside of one of the rails. It's looking great and really makes the wood sing. And it's really satisfying to do. But it is very glossy. Perhaps I had got used to the slightly dull sheen after the reviver so this is a bit of a shock. Will I be able...
  13. el_Pedr0

    How can I put a bullnose on the edge of this oak tread?

    I did try a router, but it was too aggressive, too wobbly, not quite the right profile, and difficult to get a smooth entry and exit (definitely due to my router skills or lack thereof, but also because my lidl router wobbles like jelly) So I went for the plane in the end and am really happy...
  14. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Looking to tap the well of experience again. Chestnut's Melamine lacquer gets mentioned on this site a lot. Would that be a suitable finish for the top of my dining table? The finish on the other parts of the table is glossy, but perhaps not like a mirror/glass. Does melamine lacquer feel plasticy?
  15. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    @mrpercysnodgrass how long do I need to wait between doing the reviver and going over with the shellac? I think I read somewhere that raw linseed oil takes a long time to cure /soak in or do whatever it does. But I've read so much that my head is full and I might be starting to get things muddled.
  16. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    No apology needed - it's really helpful getting experienced opinions so that I can go into this with my eyes open - weighing up the difficulty of the task against what I know about my skills and tolerance for cocking it up. Yes, because the original finish was glossy, so the protected areas...
  17. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Oh dear, I'm falling down a rabbit hole. So now after a ton of research, I think I've got to add another step - filling the pores. So I've now got another question: * I think I'd fill the pores with pumice, meths and a tiny bit of shellac. But then can I put osmo wood wax finish extra thin on...
  18. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    I've been on a bit of a journey! Having started this thread saying I didn't want to sand to bare wood, I've now come round to thinking that's the only way to achieve a good finish without sealing any of the existing damage in. I'd be grateful for a sanity check before I commit a crime against...
  19. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Reviver cleaned the surface, but only had the most subtle impact - perhaps making the sheen a bit more even. The left side has been wiped with reviver, the right side hasn't: Has had reviver : Hasn't had reviver I'm now starting to understand that wax is not a finish in of itself and is...