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  1. W

    Bristol Based New Member

    That sounds like a dangerous place! I went down to Yandles a while ago and haven't financially recovered from that yet...
  2. W

    Bristol Based New Member

    Thanks for the welsome. Here is the box I made for my dad's 80th birthday, the dovetails were done using a jig but still super proud of it. A lot of the routing was done using his ELU router, which he gave me a few years prior. I made him a similar case for his 70th, I think I've improved a...
  3. W

    Faithfull FPP WL36 lathe. Missing accessories and manual, help needed

    I have recently come into ownership of this exact lathe and it came with the manual so have scanned it in, it actually seems like a very comprehensive manual. I realse its a number of years since this thread was started but it might help someone later on. This is a black and white scan, the...
  4. W

    Bristol Based New Member

    Hey all! As requested I'm doing a little intro! I am based in Bristol, have a pretty small workshop with various tools, new and old. I really love working with wood and have completed a few projects outside of the norm including a pergola and a whisky display case for my dad. Ive got a Kity...