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  1. X

    "Machining" steel ends

    A small angle grinder with a grinding (not a cutting) disk mounted on a bench with a support rest would do that job at little cost. the support could have a mild steel angle fitted to support the rod. This would be very similar to the drill sharpening accessory for a grinding machine, that used...
  2. X

    Dust Collection Bags

    I had one of those Hoover "Golfball" vacuums for years (recently came across some of the replacement bags in my barn!), that used the type of bag such as described by the OP, this had a metal channel that closed off the folded end of the paper bag. Janek's solution seems the easiest. I have...
  3. X

    Heavy Duty Grass

    Toolstation has two types of ground or lawn protection. Either platic tiles that clip together and fill with earth/grass seed or a plastic matting that the grass grows through that reinforces the ground. There are very many variations available that would suit.
  4. X

    Trying to source a lock with 'claws'

    This lock is known as a Box Lock. Savills in Scarborough list them but these days unbelievable prices (but what isn't to us old fogeys!)
  5. X

    Euro hinges

    Mrs C, Well said. Unfortunately there are those keyboard warriors who can't help themselves and sadly on this forum too!
  6. X

    Euro hinges

    If you look on the Hafele site, they sell a huge range of Euro hinges and also have technical sheets with accurate engineering drawings. They used to provide huge prineted catalogues, which I have hung onto for the tech info (for my old stock fittings left over from past endeavours). These...
  7. X

    Repairing & Levelling Concrete Floor In New Workshop

    I converted a horticultural packing shed to a workshop. I laid 1" jablite sheets (polystyrene) and then a T&G chipboard floor glued at the joints but "floating". I had a large three phase panel saw and various other large machines. Any machine's weight is spread out over an area so it is not a...
  8. X

    Grain pattern in English oak

    For the use planned, I would mix earth pigments in a two part filler (available in "oak" colour) to get the required final colour before adding the hardener. For the small amount of the mix required art pigments are available in small quantities. The final result can be sanded down quite...
  9. X

    Challenge reciprocating saw repair

    I would search around with a magnet for the original pin! I have two of those tool hanging strip magnets screwed to the side of a broom head, works a treat for dropped washers etc.
  10. X

    New induction hob issues

    My cooker is a range cooker with a four ring induction hob. There seems to be something badly wrong. As I have said previously I have never used the boost function and am always pleasantly pleased with the speed of boiling water as this replaced a gas Range cooker, this is my comparison.. I...
  11. X

    New induction hob issues

    The only 1.5Kw kettles I have seen in the UK are the half (?) size ones. I seem to recall our kettle is 2.7Kw. I find the AEG "engineer" response disheartening (nearly wrote disheatening, which would have been appropriate!).
  12. X

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    No matter how old I get I have to keep learning! The company that installed our fibre network was recently bought out by a London outfit Community Fibre. They recently swapped over to the Commuinity Fibre software from the origimal provider's. This caused problems with our VoiP phone, phone did...
  13. X

    Brazing here too?

    I believe I have the book that Chailatte recomends in the workshop series (Ihave a bunch of them). I will have a look this morning. I shall go against the grain and suggest brazing! I have silver soldered many items over the years and I don't find it any more difficult than tin solder. The...
  14. X

    New induction hob issues

    My understanding is that boost is only for individual rings as the boost reduces power to the "pair" ring.. On mine pairing is LF & LR or RF & RR so I can have a large pan spanning two rings but only front to rear and my controls are also at the front. I have never had reason to boost and have...
  15. X

    New induction hob issues

    With my induction hob you have to select that you want to pair hobs, normally they are all independent.. The boost function, when selected, seemingly "pinches" power from the other in the pair and that would seem to be what is happening to yours. One of your rings is usually a higher rating and...