To get that look on pine i would spray dark oak stain then clear base coat then black patina wire wool it and finish with clear Laquer. If you dont have all this stuff try some dark antique Wax
Hi. Its also looks like you have burn marks too. Try shallower passes and finish your profile my taking off about 2 mm. Also try and keep router moving when yiu stop it can burn the wood.
Ive bought cheao bits before but they would last a good while
A blonde was driving along when she saw another blonde in the middle of a field sitting in a boat and rowing like mad. She stops her car and shouts over "its Blondes like you that gives us a bad name if i could swim id go out and kick your ass".
I always use a circular saw on hob /sink cutouts. Turn worktop upside down straight cuts with circular saw and corners with jig saw. Id say ive done hundreds this way.
I tried water based paints but found them too slow to dry even in warm weather with a bit of heat. Im back using a/c and p/c paints and laquers which ive used for years good air flow is important for solvent to evaporate. On warm summer days ive sprayed sprayed small bits outside amazing how...
I bought a Draper routet table with 1500w motor i made a few fences myself using small roller wheels cost less than €400.
You would pay nearly as much for a decent router table with lift.
Ive used a 3 slot trend jig for over 20 years and last year bought Dewalt cordless router for it. Have hung hundreds of doors with it but mostly on new doors and frames.
Doors on existing older frames are more difficult and time comsuming.
I used Disston saws years ago. We have all moved on to modern chop saws and circular saws. Just hang them up on display there part of our history.
I also learned to sharpened them. Great for there time but nowadays if you want to make money working with wood modern tools is king.
Sorry to hear your accident.
I always keep my sliding table fence a couple inches away from blade i feel its safer that way so fingers dont get to close to blade when in use.
Ive fitted lots of these handrails commercially and residential.
Firstly safety is paramount as if it gives way when someome pulls on it serious injuries can occur. Also liability issues with fitter. If its masonary fix with at least 5x50 or 60 screws 6mm hole red plug. If studs find them and...