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  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    At least old Joe has a good excuse for his behavior, Starmer has no excuse and is still clueless.
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    So would I but that unfortunately rules out Starmer et al. So far he's shown he's deeply dull alright but beyond that he gives off the...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    She isn't representing the truth? That's merely your opinion. If she isn't telling the truth, exactly which part of what she said is...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to sploo's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    Probably because it's had real and lasting negative impact to the UK, and many people are continuing to have to suffer the consequences...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Chris Puttick's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    No, the people did not decide. The people weren't all allowed to vote. And of those who were allowed not all voted. About 27% of the...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
    Struggling to understand where what ey_tony said and how you interpreted that as relating to carers ?
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    Why is Isabel Oakshott truly horrible? I can't say I've ever watched her political views but based on what was said in the video I...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
    Never a truer word said.....
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Lons's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    the absurd thing is that you clearly believe the carp you post.
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Terry - Somerset's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    Politicians do not get tickets to football matches concerts, any other hospitality or freebies because they are nice chaps or chapesses...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    You really ought to have stopped at "He was charismatic" I would have to agree with you there, but the amiable buffoon persona was...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    If you did your own research you'd soon discover who the donors are, and just how far they've wormed their way into the government, be...
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Keir Starmer with Like Like.
    It’s a well know fact that bolding or capitalising the word ‘fact’ on the internet usually indicates it isn’t.
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen replied to the thread Keir Starmer.
    Not totally accurate in any aspect.
  • woodieallen
    woodieallen reacted to AJB Temple's post in the thread Electric vehicles with Like Like.
    Whereas now the PRC is known for the oppression of the Uyghurs, forced labour, reproductive control and forced sterilization and other...