Recent content by Woodchip Wilbur

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  1. Woodchip Wilbur

    Any new panel products for making kitchen cupboards?

    Ah! 1) You've found a supplier with a choice. 2) You are from Yorkshire. Go on... Tell all... Who is this supplier? (I only need/can store a couple of sheets so carriage tends to be hopelessly high per sheet)
  2. Woodchip Wilbur

    Any new panel products for making kitchen cupboards?

    It's not your local supplier making the markup! Baltic Ply comes from... the Baltic. There are some difficulties around the Baltic, Ukraine and Russia...
  3. Woodchip Wilbur

    Shout out for Wealden Tools

    ... and not actually the little bit extra. The router I didn't actually buy (because they gave it to me!) was £16.56 inc vat and carriage. The equivalent Trend cutter is listed on a South American River at £26.30. (And we've been having trouble up that particular river. My sister bought a...
  4. Woodchip Wilbur

    Shout out for Wealden Tools

    Making some panelled doors, I used a 9mm straight cutter to make the groove. 50mm in, the carbide tips snapped off with a bit of a graunch. The cutter wasn't new - though nearly unused. I went on the website to get a replacement. For some reason, WorldPay wouldn't take my money, despite...
  5. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    I now have a fine mini lathe (thanks, Dangles!) - AND I'm getting to grips with it! But I have a suuplementary question... HOW MINI IS MINI? The lathe has a couple of chucks - they can both hold work up to c.3" diameter. There's a faceplate, too - that's over 6" (160mm) BUT... Any tool in...
  6. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    Good to meet you, Dangles! It was a pleasure to collect your lathe - and the accompanying packets of extra bits of kit. It's in my workshop - and plugged in. I'm happy to say that it works as advertised. Now all I have to do is to learn how to use it! I do have an initial query. The saddle...
  7. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    I've messaged you privately. Let's go for this!
  8. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    Me? I don't use anything at the moment! I am a veritable babe in arms - a mere suckling... From what I have read on this thread, I am anticipating using HSS. (From observing bell tuning at the foundry, they use HSS - and the bell (on a big vertical lathe) turns at about 0.2 per sec (or...
  9. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    Yes! Well interested. Got gazumped on the £60 quid one :cautious: Send some piccies and I think we can do business. I think you are Leicestershire. It's possible I could swing by on Sunday.
  10. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    Now... the timber carriage would be grist to my mill!! Small lathe update: The two that Sachakins pointed to finally went for around £230 and £250. I bid - but I felt that this was far too much to pay for an unknown kit of parts when a new one is only about £100 more. I did see a fully...
  11. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    First: Thanks for the quite unnecessary aplology! I didn't feel derogated (a real word?) In the case of the kid's bells, you are spot on. After a casting session, we have 12 bells - all of which need to be fettled up, ready for the next week. Speed and "pretty" are far more important than any...
  12. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    What a wonderful film! Cut glass accent and a splendid mid-century adherence to the good old Elf and Safety. I think my favourite is the foundry workers gear - cloth cap and a positive attitude... To business...The conical stub is actually the route I take for machining the outside. Sadly...
  13. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    OK - responding to several bits here... As Fergie 307 says, something like the Drummond (or anything on its own stand) is a no-no. My workshop (mainly a woodwork shop) is 3.8m x 2.7m (sorry - smaller than the 15 sqm I mentioned above). One side has work surface the full length with space below...
  14. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    That is as maybe - but "of a decent size" is a problem in my 15 sqm workshop that already houses: Table saw; Band saw; planer/thicknesser; Wood lathe; Belt sander; Pillar drill; Extractor; Furnace; Scroll saw. The lathe is fixed. Everything else is on castors and pulls out from under work...
  15. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    Those look like they may fit my budget - and space (some heavy-duty tidying needed, but won't come amiss!) - and it sounds like it only needs putting together. Should be able to sort that. The next jobs will be to work out how to fix my bells in the lathe (They are rather like a wedge of wet...