thats a pity to copy the profiles the old paint needs to come off that means the new wont match the old unless you mean to strip the paint off anyway im too far away wonder if theres someone closer who could help you
took awhile to find the name of the journalist who commented on labour buying landlords properties his name is graham david the subject may have been discussed prior to labour coming to power
it now appears that the government are considering approaching landlords with certain types of property to buy them at over market rate with the intention of wait for it housing some of the illegal immigrants underlying agenda or what , go after landlords to make it no longer viable then come...
theres a lot of hate for private landlords theres a website called the landlord zone where a book is commented on called Against landlords , how to solve the housing crisis saw a short clip by the author he really spits venom towards private landlords reckon by introducing rent caps and other...
having gone through all the red tape buying and renting a house which we did to help out a family friend who left council run property i would not consider doing it again we didnt charge exorbitant rent in fact for 15 years hardly made a profit she has been a great tenant but never again just...
i notice the comment about wales coming under english rules we already have our own system its called rent smart lots of rules to follow gives tenants a way to complain if needed . as a landlord got to be registered go on courses etc seems to work
hope this helps others with similar machine had a problem with saw not reaching max height depth of cut was shy by about 20mm spoke to felder helpful suggested cleaning threads on rise and fall with lube and a brass or nylon brush could not sort it at all was stiff at upper limit so after...
as its broken take it out theres no way of knowing how its fixed until you do that less chance of damaging other parts figure out after how to put it back
did you buy the machine second hand or new ? just looked at the handbook for it and it does say 13 amp supply but further on it says a blue three pin connector is fitted which means a 16 amp supply is needed for initial start up so it would need a dedicated 16 amp supply with a type c breaker