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  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to --Tom--'s post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    Sharpening threads always seem to go like this: Take metal tool - invariably someone will say the metal is the wrong kind and you...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to mark w's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    🥱 not at all fiddly or difficult, just use the correct stones and it's easy.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to mark w's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    Ignore the rubbish about honing guides you've read here so far, they aren't complicated and ensure repeatable accurate results. I can...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to Gardener's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    struggled with this myself in the past got a veritas honing guide which is repeatable also learnt that the back of the chisel is vital...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    Make sure you get a burr or wire edge at each grit before moving on to the next. This burr "proves" that you have got all the way to the...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan replied to the thread LA fires.
    In case anyone wonders why I haven’t replied to some recent posts on this thread. It’s because I had to put him on ignore, so I don’t...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Haha Haha.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to Doug B's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    It seems to be working for me, so far! I steer clear of the 'off-topic' forum these days. I consider it to be a 'Care In the...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan replied to the thread LA fires.
    That’s obvious 🙄 all houses contain flammable materials within. I was talking about EXTERNAL BUILDING MATERIALS.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
    No right minded person would ever consider silent prayer as an offence.
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan reacted to mudman's post in the thread Freedom of speech... with Like Like.
    Now we are straying into what is legitimate protest. They have the right to protest, but do they have the right to physically impinge on...
  • Vulcan
    Vulcan replied to the thread LA fires.
    They seem to have a propensity for building homes almost entirely from wood. I couldn’t help notice the seemingly unburnt houses in this...
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