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    TRITON replied to the thread LA fires.
    TRITON replied to the thread LA fires.
    I suppose you have to look at the data of fires in LA for say the last century. A graph will easily show if it has been steadily...
    Aye but will it be for homes or will they use the power for industry or even put it on the market. They use the "For Homes" on all...
    TRITON replied to the thread Jimmy Carter (not politics!).
    Theres a number of woodies who went on to do lesser things. Harrison Ford (as above) was one, but also William H Macy is an...
    TRITON replied to the thread Hello from the Highlands.
    Or Irish I believe if you have an Irish parent, you can apply for Irish citizenship in the form of a passport, which means you dont...
    TRITON replied to the thread Hello from the Highlands.
    Hi and welcome fellow Scot :) I've a soft spot for the Fort William area, as I got hypothermia there in the winter of '87 :LOL:
    TRITON replied to the thread Stacking TCT saw blades.
    TBH you'd be far safer doing this on a router jig.
    TRITON reacted to artie's post in the thread Freedom of speech... with Haha Haha.
    Ironic. On a thread about free speech.
    TRITON reacted to Hypnotic Chimera's post in the thread Freedom of speech... with Like Like.
    Personally I don't believe that it is a matter of censorship. This isn't 1984 (not quite). I don't think anyone is advocating for the...
    TRITON replied to the thread Breaking down large sheets on MFT.
    I see axminster do sawhorses like Bora ones but 1/2 the price...
    TRITON replied to the thread Door hinge screw repair.
    Remove door, door frame and knock down wall. Rebuild. Jobs a good 'un
    TRITON reacted to Duncan A's post in the thread Door hinge screw repair with Like Like.
    Stuff matchsticks or cocktail sticks in the screw holes, possibly with a bit of wood glue on them. Replace the screws; they'll go in...
    TRITON replied to the thread UJK Fusion workbench.
    Thats UJK all over. Everything they do seems to be premium priced even when its pretty much the same as others. UJK will be 50% more...