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    TRITON reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    TRITON reacted to deema's post in the thread Beginner router kit with Like Like.
    Here you go, perfect, really easy to use, no practice required😁...
    TRITON replied to the thread Beginner router kit.
    I'l disagree here and say small sets are a good start, and theres always the chance you need something obscure. Plus if you do need...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    Everything that comes from GB news is a fabricated load of nonsense. For starters its not a news channel, its classed as an...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    I think those numbers are pretty much fabricated, But lets examine that. The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there...
    We'd a Festool rep turn up at college touting his wares. He had a jigsaw on show and was showing off its ability to cut perpendicular...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    But if they do that then the populists like trump and farage wouldn't have anyone to demonize. Trump and farage are bankrolled by the...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    There are thousands of statements from people who have been in cults and done that exact same thing. The maga is also a cult. It's...
    TRITON replied to the thread Magnifying lens.
    Thats what I have(or had until i dropped it and if by pure luck found the marble hearth :( I picked up another big lens on ebay. It's...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    If they think trump is the ideal candidate to run the US, then I reckon thats a good thing. Clearly that party needs a good shake up to...
    Which is a perfectly acceptable reason for going off and buying one. A small trim router like the Makita RTO702 will do the job as the...
    TRITON replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    So the rich get richer, and the poor poorer, even those holding reasonably good jobs, as we've seen with nurses using foodbanks. Which...
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    TRITON reacted to sploo's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    Wealth equality isn't the same as opposing increases in wealth inequality. A problem with the US (and to large extents the UK) is the...
    TRITON reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    I am a bit confused, you were earlier criticising Kamala Harris for being a weak left wing liberal yet you are now criticising her for...
    TRITON reacted to Mickjay's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    Quote:- "live in total fantasy and no evidence or logical reasoning will deter them from their beliefs. They have a fixed enemy in their...