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    --Tom-- reacted to Peter907's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    Just wanted to say a massive thank you to @Doug B who came to my house today and sorted out my sharpening problems. I didn't know Doug...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Sharpening for beginners.
    Sharpening threads always seem to go like this: Take metal tool - invariably someone will say the metal is the wrong kind and you...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Sharpening for beginners.
    Photos of your edges or videos of you sharpening would really help otherwise all you’ll get is speculation. Sharpening is simple once...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Websites.
    Exactly the point
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Websites.
    The turnings I have in my house have largely been gifts or have sentimental attachment. The turning I have bought has been for function...
    • IMG_4550.jpeg
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread P A Anderson planes.
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Combi Drill advice.
    I’m in the mains sds and then a lightweight drill driver camp too- but then most of what I do is in my house or workshop so don’t need...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Double garage heating.
    Insulation makes it much more tolerable but can be hard to fit without dragging everything around. Rubber matting where you stand to...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Door hinge screw repair.
    Matchsticks and wood glue has worked for me as a temporary fix that has usually not needed revisiting for anything more thorough. When...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Websites.
    Am I right in thinking the shop is passive sales- that is, you drop off pieces and they handle everything else? If so and it’s turning a...
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Safety shoe sock recommendations.
    I have bridgedales that I really like. Pair I was wearing today are probably 20 years old and still good.
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Hello from Wales.
    Greetings from Cardiff
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    --Tom-- replied to the thread Can this be salvaged?.
    I’d be tempted to scrape rather than sand too.
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    Finishing wood is amazing at highlighting all the irregularities and bits you hoped you might be able to get away with. That’s some...
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    Keep to selves, with return addresses on parcels it can be easy to know. I think the anonymity of it gives people the confidence to have...