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  1. T

    110 volt tools pros and cons

    Yeah, just going to go with individual switches for the hoover and saw. Not touching any of the electronics of the hoover.
  2. T

    110 volt tools pros and cons

    The idea was, saw into transformer, transformer into hoover, hoover into wall. It doesn't work on testing, the transformers idle draw is enough to turn on the hoover regardless of the saw so it's a no good as I don't want the hoover on all the time.
  3. T

    110 volt tools pros and cons

    I've got a similar dilemma myself but looking to move to a KapEx 60. Has anyone had any experience where the 110v transformer is plugged into a shop vac, that turns on when power is drawn? In my current set up when the Mitre turns on it turns on the hoover for dust extraction...