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  • themack
    themack replied to the thread Workshop the second.
    Good morning all thanks for all your thoughts and input so far. And thanks for the links as well. Yes, we have quite a few shed...
  • themack
    Last year I build a workshop from a kit...see here... Thread 'New workshop question'...
  • themack
    themack reacted to Amplidyne's post in the thread sore legs from knee pads with Haha Haha.
    Know where I can get some of that voila from? 😊 Seriously though I've been using a kneeling pad from Screwfix. Better than kneepads...
  • themack
    themack replied to the thread sore legs from knee pads.
    I use a garden kneeling pad . Lidl does have them in the spring in the "middle of Lidl" section and I usually get 2 every spring, put...