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  1. S

    Band saw

    ..depends on how much you want to spend??....They currently do a 12" package deal on a BP300P for £649, or another £50 will get you the 14" BS350, but this does not include the spare blade and "wheel kit" which I think is quite a usefull option to get. If you are happy with a 10" you can get the...
  2. S

    Band saw

    I got myself a RP BS300, but wish I had got the Charnwood instead. The 300 is not a well thought our bandsaw....(NB I am only a (very) casual user..)
  3. S

    Bandsaws - best of the budget?

    A while ago I got myself a RP 300E.....but it is not a particulalry well thought out saw. I now wish I had got myself a Chanrnwood equivalent. (NB I am only a (very) casual user.....)
  4. S

    Aldi bandsaw....does anybody have one and can comment?

    Still have mine, it has been really good for light work, only problem to date has been the wheel tyres which I had to "re-glue" onto the alloy wheels....(you can get new ones, as same as Sheppach??)....
  5. S

    Convertible Mitre/Table Saws: any good?

    ..looks like the worst of both worlds to me???
  6. S

    10" bandsaw - Record or Charnwood?

    A few years ago I "ugraded" my little Aldi bandsaw to a Record, but after seeing the Charnwood I realised I had made a mistake.....
  7. S

    Disc Sander - which one?

    ..I have the Record disc sander which I have used for the last few years. But in hindight I am thinking a flat bed may have been better for me, mainly because of the variation in sanding speed from the center (slow), to the outside (fast). But I guess it depends on what you mainly want to use it...
  8. S

    Budget mitre saw with forward facing rails you need a trench cut facility??.....don't think the Dewalt has this feature??
  9. S

    Evolution R255TBL Table Saw

    ...available for pre- order sometime around mid April...I think...
  10. S

    305mm benchtop disk sander advice

    I have been using the record disc sander for a good few years, (casual user), and in general I have been happy with it......if that helps??
  11. S

    Another table saw thread buying question - Dewalt v Evolution Rage...?

    Interesting that Screwfix have the Rage for sale at under £200...bargain......BUT they don't have any stock??? I suppose when they do the price will go up!!
  12. S

    Another table saw thread buying question - Dewalt v Evolution Rage...?

    In general I like Metabo stuff, (I have their mitre saw), but have seen some bad reviews ref their table saw....
  13. S

    Another table saw thread buying question - Dewalt v Evolution Rage...?

    Hi all. I have been reluctant to take the plunge with getting a table saw due to lack of space and safety. However I now have a new shed, so think I may consider a table saw as they seem to be one of the most versatile woodworkin tools there are. I am very much a "part time" DIY er, so only...
  14. S

    Rip off Britain?

    The company I worked for used to make outboard motor propellors. We designed and made all the tooling, melted the metal, cast the parts, pressed them, machined them, assembled them, e-coated them, powder coated them, purchased the additional parts / adaptors to fit to the outboard, and packed...
  15. S

    Thoughts on record power wetstone grinder

    I had one of these....used once for 5 mins then packed up. Checked the inside to find the motor case ends made from plastic and the studs holding them together had simply come apart...more Chinese cheese. I had previousy got a "cheapie" from Aldi for £70, but after getting it home I thought I...