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  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Because if you needed a screwdriver but only had one, two or six saws you are still in the same boat.
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    But does compulsory voting mean you have to actually vote for a party or that you have to vote to not vote so that every person eligable...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Both parties win and lose, both parties re-shape themselves into something they think can win an election and there is the crux of the...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread Impressive or what!.
    That is also being said to gardeners, keep soil disruption to an absolute minimum to allow the micro organisms to thrive rather than...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Really great that will will not have to put up with Truss anymore, a total and complete muppet that should never have been PM even for...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread Petrol Stations.
    The petrochemical industry is like a stack of cards or tins on a shelf in that you cannot just take one from somewhere in the middle...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    • 1720100361911.png
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread F22s again....
    I think all the trades are now contaminated by dodgy unscrupulous individuals who just get everyone else a bad name in their quest for a...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    All we are doing is exchanging one bunch of half wits for another bunch of half wits with some dellusion that these half wits are better...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    I would suggest that there is more chance of the green party wining a massive majority and taking power or Jacob giving us a thread all...
  • Spectric
    Spectric reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
    This thread has left we with a warm glow. The unbounded believe that people, of all political persuasions, have that the world will ge a...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread Strange plug on planer.
    But how often do we see some really dangerous practices. The last one I saw was a guy with a small generator that had fitted a three...
  • Spectric
    Spectric reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Strange plug on planer with Like Like.
    The link above is good and common practice - what I use on my own tablesaw - but the panel mount bit must be a plug, the cable is...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Yes Turkeys and westminster, to be truly democratic the people should be given the choice of FPTP, PR or something else and in return...
  • Spectric
    Spectric reacted to selectortone's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
    We have to use the system we've got no matter how loaded in favour of large parties it may be so use your vote. Perhaps, in the...