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  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    He actually does better when not saying anything, all he needs to do is sit tight and wait for the keys to number 10 . He is one of...
  • Spectric
    Using the wrong disc on any grinder is a very dangerous practice and can lead to some very nasty injuries, in a place of work all...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Yes I would say that to have a fair tax system you cannot have any tax avoidance, make tax avoidance the same as tax evasion. This...
  • Spectric
    Spectric reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
    Yeah but higher rate tax kicks in way lower than that. These extreme examples are always used to justify higher taxation but it applies...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    I don't think it is an attraction but more desperation, jumping out of the pan into the fire without thinking because people are so...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Maybe it is time for honesty, just tell it as it is and say that if you want things to get better then someone has to pay, the problem...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    But that can be easily dismissed because if it was true then we would at least see some signs that it has started to happen but so far...
  • Spectric
    For me it shows that it is not the tool that produces a good job but the skilled carpenter. Those planes look large and simple...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Perhaps being that close she explained the difference between male and female so he does not wonder why she is not standing next to him...
  • Spectric
    Spectric reacted to Lons's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
    I don't really want to vote for any of them, there's very little difference and manifestos aren't worth the paper they're written on...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    I bet it will be a pair of socks, same as always ! Needs money initially followed by complete overhaul of the NHS so old Wes will be...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread DC 09 Chairs - completion.
    Maybe not my style but really well made showing some real mastery of woodwork.
  • Spectric
    The background is the decision to build a larger dining table, one to seat 8 as opposed to the 6 as with the current table ... Since...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread First Workshop - advice needed!.
    That is just what can happen, we don't know Bilbo's circumstances or what other commitments he may have so all we can do is offer help...
  • Spectric
    Spectric replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    I think that we will all find out together, the Labour party is like a wrapped up present or a lucky dip in that until it is unwrapped...