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  1. S

    Ideas wanted for demountable banquet table

    We have our Christmas and other large family gathering stored in the garage and it has been used for about 15 years and is easy to store. I use loft boards which just slot together and are super cheap strong and when you place a table cloth over it just looks like a regular table. In terms of...
  2. S

    Sold Vice hardware and custom steel bearing housings

    Might ask my boys if I can have this for Christmas as you are close by, they were at the Haddenham beer festival at the weekend
  3. S

    Cordless power washer, anyone had one?

    Have the Ryobi one, probably the most I have ever been disappointed with a tool. Getting lumps of mud off it works but so does a hose, actually cleaning anything you will struggle.
  4. S

    Looking to rent a Shaper Origin (or similar)

    He has probably moved on from Shaper now to a different company :D
  5. S

    Help identifying a piece of furniture

    We had pretty much exactly the same unit in our hall with a telephone on it.
  6. S

    Fox Alien CNC Router Machine 4040-XE any good

    I have gone on a bit of journey with CNC machines over the last couple of years, I started with a generic desktop 3018, I realised very quickly I enjoyed the whole CNC thing and spent the next couple of days researching models. I was down to two manufacturers sainsmart and fox alien. I...
  7. S

    For Sale Southern Yellow Pine Roubo Workbench Parts and Gramercy Holdfasts

    Lets hope something comes up for you soon, I am sure it will. That bench looks like it will be a cracker, I just don't think my credit card needs me to spend anymore on it!
  8. S

    Buying cheapest wood for woodwork practice in the UK

    Thanks for the great explanation, everyday is certainly a skool day
  9. S

    Buying cheapest wood for woodwork practice in the UK

    Hi Johnny, I totally agree on time I wish I had less to do and far more time. Can I ask what you mean by Red Deal? Thanks
  10. S


    Looking forward to seeing your bench build sir
  11. S

    Sold Axminster Numatic NV750-2 Chip dust extractor vacuum cleaner hoover HepaFlo

    Sorry to hear that bp, what line of work are you in? And if only you were closer I would of brought this vac Boschboy. It would be perfect for me.
  12. S

    Google/youtube tips, Can't find an option to search older videos first.

    So this is possible using Boolean search terms. This will look for what you want using a precise language. The easiest way to do this and the most simple is make sure YouTube only returns results for what you search for. Let me try and explain it with an example. If you search for arc welder...
  13. S

    FTAGH Bit of Box wood

    Thank you, if you fancy popping down to Wendover Shed at any point you will be more than welcome, let me know and the kettle will be on :)