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  • Silken
    Silken reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Just joined, with Like Like.
    Welcome 🤗 tools are no good left in boxes, get them working for their keep and also find out if they are any good.. or
  • Silken
    Silken reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Just joined, with Like Like.
    Welcome, that’s a worry we all face when moving house, will I have a workshop big enough? I suppose like a lot of other people you will...
  • Silken
    Silken replied to the thread Just joined,.
    Glad I found the right place :ROFLMAO:
  • Silken
    Silken reacted to DeBangis's post in the thread Just joined, with Like Like.
    Welcome to UKW.
  • Silken
    Silken reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Just joined, with Like Like.
    Whatever you sell, 3 days later you'll find you need it. That's life. If like me, you acquire some tools by finding new ones that are...
  • Silken
    Hi All, Retired Builder, carpenter/joiner/building inspector/surveyor. I have played around with hobby woodworking for a long time, on...
  • Silken
    That's a nice saw, with a solid cast iron bed, much more sturdy and accurate than the pressed steel beds. Is it 3 phase power? I have a...
    • 1721380156491.png
  • Silken
    Silken replied to the thread Incredible project.
    A very nice veneer job, no doubt a promotional show piece.