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  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread Combi Drill advice with Like Like.
    In hindsight, I should probably have gone 18V ... Better to regret something you have done than something you haven't. You can do...
  • Sideways
    Sideways replied to the thread Backup software recomendation.
    I have used acronis and rated it, however when a backup fails to restore it kills your faith in the software. I can't trust it to work...
  • Sideways
    Sideways replied to the thread Strange plumbing issue.
    If you mean your pressurised central heating system is losing pressure (dropping according to the gauge on the boiler) and you are...
  • Sideways
    Sideways replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
    Let's see if this thread stands any chance of going somewhere useful without the name calling and party political posturing.
  • Sideways
    Zero protrusion hinges should work as they throw the door forward and outwards...
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to Amplidyne's post in the thread Bridge or boat? with Like Like.
    It does mean that with the "boat" method the middle being planed first you don't have to remove every bit of rough if you have any...
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to Inspector's post in the thread Bridge or boat? with Like Like.
    I was taught the bridge method and prefer it but I can boat if the mood strikes. Whatever works for you. Pete
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Bridge or boat? with Like Like.
    I prefer Bridge- concave side down, the other way seems out of control and difficult to hold “level”.
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to niall Y's post in the thread Bridge or boat? with Like Like.
    If you do it boat fashion you can easily plane a flat on the bulge that isn't in line with the two ends. Rectifying this mistake could...
  • Sideways
    Sideways replied to the thread Bridge or boat?.
    Bridge. I think "boat" is too prone to error but I'm no purist and would combine the two if I thought it would help.
  • Sideways
    Same here. If you get a few 4 foot lengths of 40x20mm or whatever it is roofing batten and lie those crosswise to the 4x2 timbers, inc...
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to MarkAW's post in the thread Cutting with grain with Like Like.
    0.5mm + 0.5mm on the other side = 1mm, which is a lot in a joint. Though it was more a rhetorical question.
  • Sideways
    Sideways reacted to Jacob's post in the thread Cutting with grain with Like Like.
    All your lines need to be cut for precision, not just pencil, as the joints are all visible and you work back to them. Your "finger"...
  • Sideways
    Sideways replied to the thread Strange plumbing issue.
    In a system with a pressurised tank like yours, there should be two temperature/pressure relief valves. One is in the hot water side...
  • Sideways
    Those are a decent vac. Yes the two motors are a good match to the 50mm hose. It is interesting to see evidence of cost control at...