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    scockram reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Hatchet find with Like Like.
    Sharp as hell but difficult to centralise , tbh the head was a tight fit but I thought belt and braces . I did think it could split the...
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    scockram replied to the thread Hatchet find.
    That looks great. How do you find those circular wedges? I've always been curious as seen them on some continental tools, but never...
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    scockram reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Hatchet find with Like Like.
    Well i finally got the new handle which was a little larger that reqd but the head was slightly wider in the mid section so it took a...
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    scockram reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Hatchet find with Like Like.
    Not sure if it was an intentional bury but I’m thinking that the shrubs kept most of the water away and as you say less oxygen. The...
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    scockram reacted to user 42596's post in the thread Today is a good day. with Like Like.
    Well it seems we're already hot enough for ostriches, with plenty in evidence, though we may struggle to find enough sand for them all...
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    scockram reacted to Agent_zed's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
    Free speech is a bunch of nonsense. Nobody wants or needs absolute free speech. It's just what the people like Elon and Zuckerburg keep...
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    scockram reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
    And all of those will get your content deleted and you permanently banned from this forum, regardless of legislation.
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    scockram reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Hatchet find with Like Like.
    Recently while digging a hole for a new fence post I pulled out what looked like a flat brick . Turns out it was a axe ( hatchet) head...
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    scockram replied to the thread Hatchet find.
    How strange. Do you think it was intentionally buried? From what you say about the owners it sounds like it's old, but the remnants of...
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    scockram reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
    I'm a supporter of free speech, but not without responsibility and consequences. There is too much toxic content on the internet and...
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    scockram reacted to Katomi woodsmith's post in the thread Tips & Tricks with Like Like.
    Car in a garage... what a shocker. Garages are workshops or dumping grounds.....aren’t they?
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    scockram reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Sharpening for beginners with Like Like.
    I sighed at your description of how your hard work hasn’t brought forth an edge. Not your fault at all! It’s the pundits of these...
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    scockram replied to the thread Dowel Maker Plate.
    My plate arrived in the post today as well. It looks great, thank you very much Steve. A pleasure to do business with you.
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    Because they do agree on a lot of things and have a long history of making things standardised. Sorry but this would be VERY good for...
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    My latest project has been making a crimbo present for Stephs aunts' boyfriend. He works in a volunteer capacity as a manager for an...