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  1. S

    Making sideboard

    wow that price is just ridiculous. You can get cheapy unbranded ones off eBay, but Trend (a good brand) also do one for £20 (remember there are 7mm and 4mm variants)
  2. S

    Making sideboard

    I have used pocket holes. It could work. You can also strategically place the pocket holes from the inside so they don't all need to be filled and sanded. My biggest issue with the Pocket holes was that when tightening them, you need to make sure you have some good clamps, because they tend to...
  3. S

    How a Festool saw is made.

    I asked an AIGen image generator to create an image on a wizard created a festool TS55. This is what is gave me! haha. Comedy nonsense
  4. S

    How a Festool saw is made.

    It's a lot more complicated to make those tools than I thought! lots more robotics than I expected. I wonder how Makita make theirs.
  5. S

    Making sideboard

    I would use dowels if you want an inexpensive option. A simple jig like these are inexpensive and very effective: in fact, this set is very good value too...
  6. S

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    But what are the practical applications, besides boats/rust protection? e.g. why would a DIYer, Builder, Woodworker need to use these?
  7. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    If that rail system works on makita tracks I would have likely given that a go!
  8. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Update; Rail arrived in good condition within 24hours of order. The box it came in is good enough to keep. Just need to add a handle and some hinges
  9. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Thanks all So, this is what I’ve decided: I woodwork at home, I don’t need to transport it but I am limited for space inside. I can just about manage a full sheet indoors. It’s true, turning the rail will be a logistical acrobatic feat, probably navigating it to the stairs to get 3m of height...
  10. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Thank you all, very helpful and lots of food for thought
  11. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    What setup did you have when you had the Festool? Joining two rails?
  12. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Thank you!! Very helpful answer. And thanks for the tip about internal stresses! I think I always assumed it wasn't an issue for man-made boards, but it seems like it still is a factor. Thanks.
  13. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Just to add, does anyone regularly use a dewalt saw on a makita/festool track? What’s your experience?
  14. S

    Is a full size guide rail worth it?

    Hi I’m debating whether I should invest in a full size rail meaning 2.6m or 3m I will be making a bunch of cabinets soon and will need to rip long lengths of MRMDF for door rails and stiles I like the idea of just putting one rail on and not worrying if it’s straight BUT! I’ve heard that...