Recent content by Ross Buchanan

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  1. Ross Buchanan

    SawStop Braking Mechanism

    Portman Burtley's sawmill had one saw with what must have been an 8' Diameter blade. You could only see half of it. The only safety sign said "Fresh milk is the best thing for transporting severed fingers"
  2. Ross Buchanan

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Most riving knives sit above the top of the blade in order to hold the crown guard. In such a case, and that is the case on the 3 site saws I have owned and on my slider, I would rather remove the riving knife and crown guard, and know I must replace them, than run with a modified riving knife...
  3. Ross Buchanan


    I would caution against the Triton routers. I bought one of the 1/2" routers. largely on the basis of all the good reviews. In practice the thing fell to bits. Screws kept rattling undone.... Some great, innovative ideas, but let down by poor materials and quality control.
  4. Ross Buchanan

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    There is not an Altendorf which could be taken to site- they do not seem to have a portable site saw.
  5. Ross Buchanan

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Most of the comments around this seem to be looking only from the pov of a home-hobbyist set up. In some professional environments, the arguments may be quite different. At present, I work on my own, but until recently had an apprentice and often at least one other guy working for me. There's...
  6. Ross Buchanan

    Advice needed - is this a manufacturing "defect"

    Whilst we all agree that this type of furniture is advertised with good sounding words that are somewhat misleading for the unwary customer, and a pukka, craftsman-made table would be much better made, the fundamental question is- Could any of us actually do better for the money? I can't, not if...
  7. Ross Buchanan

    Titebond 3

    We found the clever looking spout lids on titebond bottles get clogged up too easily. I considered a gluebot type, but we'd need several and its a lot of money for a thing I haven't tried myself. In the interim, I bought a dozen condiment bottles from nisbets- the sort that cafes use for...
  8. Ross Buchanan

    Titebond 3

    Thanks, All. So my takeaway from this - the glue is fine. The problem is an unheated shop in Britain! Roll on spring
  9. Ross Buchanan

    Titebond 3

    I have used Titebond glue for years, and it has always served me well. Just before Christmas, my keg of Titebond 2 ran out, and no-one seemed to have any stock. I bought Titebond 3- newer, better, waterproofer. Not having any joy at all with it. They tout a longer working time as an advantage to...
  10. Ross Buchanan

    Importing machinery from the EU - customs clearance

    A wise man commented: If the constabulary have a suspicion that you are engaged in a nefarious activity, they have to go to a judge with a compelling argument and request a warrant to enter your premises in order to search any nooks and crannies in the hope of finding evidence. If the customs...
  11. Ross Buchanan

    Workshop replacement strip lights

    I put led striplights in the old workshop, now just a store, but they failed in sections, rather sooner than I had expected. In the new workshop I simply fixed up a few of THESE Four in the saws/bench area, and another two in the router table/morticer section. In the bench area, theres two on...
  12. Ross Buchanan

    Are these Marple chisels worth £50?

    Question 1- Are you a woodturner? If yes, these may be slightly useful. It not, then they are of no use at all for general woodwork. Question 2- Is £50 a lot of money to you? If yes- think very carefully about wasting any of it
  13. Ross Buchanan

    Help – quick survey for a tool you never even dreamed about!

    I think Mafell might have beaten you to it several years ago.Lookee and film
  14. Ross Buchanan

    Help – quick survey for a tool you never even dreamed about!

    Go on then- Always interested in answers to questions that nobody has ever thought to ask
  15. Ross Buchanan

    Saker dovetail marker thingy...

    Looks pretty. Bet you'd use it once, just to see, then it would just sit in the box because there's so many easier ways to mark out.