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  1. P

    Removing/replacing a fitted kitchen cupboard back?

    I could cut the backing panel, however I'm worried about cutting cables and pipes behind as it was fitted without consideration for service access. So I'm angling towards tearing the out the old panel and somehow fixing in a new prefinished MDF panel. Just wondering if it might have a chipboard...
  2. P

    Removing/replacing a fitted kitchen cupboard back?

    I recently visited a customers house which had a badly bodged refit in terms of access to water isolation. Basically I can't find the mains isolator which is probably behind the howdens' style cupboard backing board. I know I will most likely need to break it as I don't fancy taking all the...
  3. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    Hi Limey whats a weather bar? I only know so much in carpentry, Im more of a mechanical guy.
  4. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    It turned out to be a the floor bolt mechanism connected to the door lock had uncoupled. A design floor from one of Howden most likely obsolete kit. I had to remove the bottom bolt as a temp fix until the customer sources the part or gets it fixed under warranty. Just for good measure I...
  5. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    Hi Jsw, is there anywhere I can buy the glazing bars from? Getting out the router and searching for a suitable router bit sounds tedious to make a a Meyer or so of moulding. Hi James I checked the doors with the level and all seems good, however I can't check the hinges until I unbind the door...
  6. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    If the threshold is at fault, for say water getting underneath and or unpainted, is there anything I can do without removing/replacing the cill?
  7. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    Thanks Sgian Dubh, I hadn't thought of Checking the threshold. Now you mention it the varnish is a bit tired. How would it be fixed down? I would imagine a few coats of yacht varnish might help prevent the same happening again.....
  8. P

    Rehanging hardwood stuck patio doors

    Hi I need some advice on sorting out a stuck patio door. Only one of the patio doors the right one is stuck. Binding on the bottom opposite the hinge side. My thoughts were that the hinges had insufficient length screws, so working loose or hinges had bent or the wood had expanded on the...
  9. P

    Record cl2 running rough?

    Hi Bob, The motor does vibrate with the belt off, so could be a motor bearing issue as well. Did you build your 3 phase array yourself from separate vfd and motor or is this a dedicated kit?
  10. P

    Record cl2 running rough?

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  11. P

    Record cl2 running rough?

    Hi Jonnyb, could be that the bearing isnt correctly tightened. Im inclined to take the spindle and bearing out and refit if only to check any wear. It might mean I need a new rear roller bearing as I think it was a tight fit last time.
  12. P

    Record cl2 running rough?

    Hi Robbo I replaced the bronze bearing about a year or 2 ago and the belt. I havent used it much and it probably needs some levelling bot head to tailstock and across the bed bars. I did run the new bearing in for 1 hour on the lowest speed. There could be a couple of issues; 1) I found out...
  13. P

    Record cl2 running rough?

    Hi I purchased a used CL2 with a problamatic bearing or mis-alignment issue. I replaced the bronze bearing, back bearing and spindle which I thought made it run quieter and smoother although there was still some noise present. After recently attempting a bowl turn on a piece of 6" green ash...
  14. P

    Unusual chisel grind?

    Hi all been a while since last posting, I got hold of some vintage chisels and noticed that the edge had a slight curve in the grind from the left to right corner on some firmer chisels. Is this a feature or an anonmally due to poor sharpening technique from the previous owner? Jon
  15. P

    Mouldy MDF shelving in shed

    Hi Littleears, aside from getting to the route of your damp problem, I would recommend getting an Ozone generator. There about £30 from ebay or other online reatailers. If the machine is left on for a few hours with the door closed or preferably over night most of the airborn spores will be...