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  • Phill05
    It took a while but the guard is in place! I've replaced the rollers, and found the cause of the nut coming undone when switching off...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Ledge door.
    I have to disagree with clenching with the grain as it does in fact promote splitting of the board.
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
    Should that be Face not race.
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Faceplate Hinges (carpentry).
    Lewis, A point I forgot to make was old nails of that time period would be cut nails ie: tapered rectangle shape so if you bent them...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Faceplate Hinges (carpentry).
    Welcome Lewis, I have come across these before I just called them strap hinges most were screwed through but I have seen some nailed...
  • Phill05
    There where many of them hidden away under floors hanging from rafters just to guide the wire not much tension from room to room, in the...
  • Phill05
    I have seen similar used out of sight in large old houses to carry a servants bell wire, in the main rooms they were more elaborate...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Grinder wheel size confusion.
    Yes of course they have a flat sides to clamp up to your plates and nut on the shaft and you can put different spaces on for different...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Grinder wheel size confusion.
    Have a look at eBay item number:355561588399
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Grinder wheel size confusion.
    You can pick-up CBN cup wheels in different shapes with reduced middle that fit your size of grinder I have two for my machine I found...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 reacted to graduate_owner's post in the thread Tips & Tricks with Like Like.
    Thank you Fred48. It all happened SO quickly, I was lucky to get away with only one finger injured. I haven't taken a cavalier attitude...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 replied to the thread Carveco Maker Plus v VCarve.
    Vectric VCarve does not push their own models or restrict you it only supports one imported model at a time because it is a STL file...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 reacted to cally60's post in the thread Tips & Tricks with Like Like.
    I don’t park the car in the garage these days, but when I did, I used to have a tennis ball on a piece of string, hanging from the...
  • Phill05
    Phill05 reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Your oldest piece of machinery with Like Like.
    Not really a machine, but very old. There was a thread on people's oldest tools but can't seem to find it. Anyway thought the various...
  • Phill05
    This plastic I used was not a hard plastic (ask for a butchers block plastic) so cuts clean like wood, I cut 3 V's in a 18" x 7" timber...
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