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  1. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    I'm pretty remote too, but not by Aus standards. 3km to rhe nearest public road. I did try an Italian VOIP provider, not free, with virtual phone number, it didn't work. Similar experience to yours with Whatsapp. All 3 of us had their app on our mobiles. The only one that never rang was mine, at...
  2. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    It works pretty well here. Doesn't always ring on the phone, which I guess is what you are saying, but I have it installed on my laptop and that rings.
  3. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    Skype still working for me.
  4. P

    New induction hob issues

    I disagree. Far easier to clean my Ikea induction hob than my last stainless steel gas hob.
  5. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    I did download the Teams IOS app to have a gander but having never used Teams it felt a bit OTT for calling a friend or neighbour. It wasn't obvious, to me anyway, how to make a call.
  6. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    Where I live in Italy I have no land line or mobile cover. I do have internet access however and wired the house for WIFI. I have been using Skype for years but now it's on its way out and I need to find an alternative. I use Whatsapp but Italy is still a bit backwards, when it comes to...
  7. P

    Lets see your wood

    Yes, Seralvo. Incredible place, so much Veneer.
  8. P

    Centre Punch

    Ii bought Starrett from Amazon resale, good price.
  9. P

    10" thicknesser and planer advice

    I also had an older Scheppach, with rubber roller. Solid machine and I preferred it, apart from size, to my current Minimax.
  10. P

    Damaged Veritas block plane from Chronos.

    I buy from Dieter Schmidt and Dictum. The stock of US tools can't really be called consistent. The price on this occasion was significantly better than Europe.
  11. P

    Soft or sharp sand for (sort of) drystone wall

    When I was taught about the use of lime and lime mortars it was always correctly graded sharp.
  12. P

    Help – quick survey for a tool you never even dreamed about!

    I believe Japanese tools Australia sell a more economical version and tgey are quite easy to build DIY fashion.
  13. P

    Where am i going wrong with bandsaw?

    Setting up a bandsaw can be a bit tricky. I changed the blade on my Hammer N2-35 yesterday, from a 3/8 to a 5/8 to resaw some ash and it took a lot of fiddling to get the cut right.
  14. P

    Wood insert nuts, any good recommendations?

    Rampa make excellent quality inserts in a variety of forms.