Recent content by Peter907

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  1. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    I just had to post again to give you all a laugh. I said I'd ordered a canvas roll bag to put my now super sharp chisels in. Well it came and I've put them all in. Only when I went to roll it up did I realise that two of them had gone straight through the back of the canvas like it was butter 😁...
  2. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    Just wanted to say a massive thank you to @Doug B who came to my house today and sorted out my sharpening problems. I didn't know Doug previously, but he only lives a mile away and very kindly offered to help me out. I understand a lot more about sharpening now, and realise that my chisels were...
  3. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    Some great responses above, thank you. I will be studying all your suggestions and the videos etc later today and trying them out. I'm really not sure about hard or soft metal in my chisels, but one is at least 60 years old and the others are more modern but cheap and I've not got a good edge on...
  4. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    I watched Paul Sellers video showing his method of sharpening on diamond plates by hand without a honing guide. It made a lot of sense to me and seemed such a quick and easy method. After re-watching his video a couple of times and practicing his method for an hour, my edges won't even draw...
  5. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    @Ollie78 I think I checked properly for a burr before moving on, but will have another go this evening and make a point of checking 👍
  6. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    It is a Saker off-centre honing guide from Amazon which had mostly good reviews.
  7. Peter907

    Sharpening for beginners

    I've just bought a sharpening kit and some lapping fluid. The kit has a 400 grit diamond plate, a 1000 grit diamond plate and an 8000 grit ceramic plate. I've watched numerous YouTube videos about sharpening, and the principles explained seem perfectly straightforward, but after several hours of...
  8. Peter907

    Any tips for turning padauk

    Thanks for your advice. Paul Hannaby, thank you - I was cutting from the centre to the edge when I got the catches. I finally got the damn thing finished today and I'm quite pleased with it. It just took forever! It is a yarn bowl - see the attached pic. I've used 3 applications of Citrus...
  9. Peter907

    Any tips for turning padauk

    I have a 6"X3" padauk bowl blank. I only use carbide. The outside was reasonably easy to turn, but took an hour to sand out the tearout using 2" discs on a cordless drill, starting at 40 grit through 400. The inside probably took over 4 continuous hours to hollow, after a 42mm forstner bit to...
  10. Peter907

    Lacquer and varnish

    Looks like you're on track for a larger pack like we have. We said we'd stick at just 2 dogs, but that didn't happen. They all have different characters and lovely reactions between each other. You may find that poppy initially gets shunned by Rosie for a week or three, but they'll soon work it...
  11. Peter907

    Lacquer and varnish

    @Max Power The dog in my profile pic is Maisie when she was a puppy. Maisie died over a year ago just before her 10th birthday after several years of health problems. She was our first doggie death, which hit us quite hard. She was a little princess with a lovely character. We now have four...
  12. Peter907

    Lacquer and varnish

    @AES It's not just me then 🙂👍
  13. Peter907

    Lacquer and varnish

    Thank you. It is so helpful to have access to this forum and get answers to queries quickly. My newbie question sounds quite trivial, but I was perplexed after not being able to Google the answer. Quite a big deal to me as I'd spent a couple of hours on the lathe making a nice little candlestick...
  14. Peter907

    Lacquer and varnish

    I have a small tin of clear matt lacquer and a tin of clear matt varnish, both water based and interior. These were purchased only several weeks ago. Today I had need of a clear finish, and on opening the tins they were both as white as milk even after stirring so I haven't actually applied any...
  15. Peter907

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    I got my first lathe and started trying turn things about 6 months ago, and this is some of my best work so far. I have tended to try and run before I can walk. Having a fascination for the unusual, I experimented with multi-axis turning before I'd even done my first bowl! The small bowls you...