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  • Orraloon
    I tend to use left over wood a fair bit and am also partial to recycling a fair bit too. It would be seldom I buy wood for small things...
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  • Orraloon
    Orraloon replied to the thread Thickness Guage.
    Looks to work just as good and likely easier and quicker. Regards John
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Thickness Guage with Like Like.
    Whilst I know absolutely nothing about instrument making, I do follow a violin maker, Graham Vincent, on the tube, (always wanted to try...
  • Orraloon
    Wasted wood can become feedstock for other things. They have to be smaller other things, naturally. I do have things that are made of...
  • Orraloon
    I got an air nailer as I already have a compressor and other air tools. Cheap and light . Compressers are noisy but handy for lots of...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon replied to the thread Square not square?.
    I got a stanley combination square back in 1975 after buying my first house and finding I had some home improvements to do. Start of...
  • Orraloon
    I laid out the bottom of the barrel to get a better idea of the dimensions. By the looks of it, I can get an oval measuring 223x150cm. A...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon replied to the thread Turning chisel.
    Like the others have said there are so many ways to do it and some of those can cost an arm and a leg so budget will likely come into...
  • Orraloon
    Japanese plane blades in Japan then do it the way they do. Nearest to that round one I have is a stanley 40 scrub. I clamp it in the...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread New to wood turning with Like Like.
    Try to join a club, you'll get a bit of experiece before you start wasting/spending. What you think you need now may be different to...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon reacted to Doug71's post in the thread Post a photo of the last thing you made with Like Like.
    A glazed door, made of Maple but will be painted 😕 Had to join up some pieces for the middle and bottom rails Cut most of the mitres...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon reacted to Amplidyne's post in the thread Identification needed please with Like Like.
    Watch back removal tool for screw off backs. I've got one. ETA it's modern. You'll find them on eBay etc.
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon replied to the thread Zen Wu.
    I have a Titanium beer bottle opener I got as a gift. Works as well as any other bottle opener but not any better. Would I want a...
  • Orraloon
    Orraloon reacted to niall Y's post in the thread Zen Wu with Like Like.
    Having looked at the chisels in question, and seen the form of construction, the question has to be asked - " How is the Titanium...
  • Orraloon
    I have started mounting some of the many hundreds of chisels that I have collected w/o handles on some of the hundreds of handles that I...