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  1. O

    Advice: Router table upgrade vs spindle moulder

    Thanks Kayen! I had considered making my own, but figured that by the time I've picked up steel/aluminium to make a solid frame, some reasonable material for the top, hardware for mitre slots and fence guides, feet for levelling, castors for moving, I think I'd be closer to £150-200. Then...
  2. O

    Advice: Router table upgrade vs spindle moulder

    Thanks Jake, that's a really useful response. I think based on that, I'll give the SM a miss and take a look at a replacement router table.
  3. O

    Advice: Router table upgrade vs spindle moulder

    Hi all, I'm after some advice. I've got a generic router table, with a Rutlands R15 router lift and motor combo in. The table itself has pressed angle legs, so is pretty unstable, and the fences aren't aligned as the outfeed side has a slight lip. I need to move the workpiece off the fence to...
  4. O

    Sold Laguna 16-32 drum sander with large selection of drum abrasives

    Do you have a rough idea of the cost of pallet delivery to Cardiff?
  5. O

    For Sale Veritas low angle block plane - pristine cond

    Ok, thanks for the confirmation. I'll give it a miss for now, as by the time I get a PM-V11 blade it'll be around the price of a new one. Thanks anyway!
  6. O

    For Sale Veritas low angle block plane - pristine cond

    Hi there - do you know if this has the PM-V11 blade? And if so, would you be happy to do £100?
  7. O

    For Sale Jessem Router Table Stand

    I'd like to take this if it's still available? I'm not local to you, so will need postage. Actually, I've decided to try and get the stand + top + fence all together. Withdrawn - sorry!
  8. O

    Sold Rutlands wetstone sharpener + jigs

    Hi all, I've got a once used Rutlands wetstone sharpener with a number of jigs for sale. I didn't get on with it, so it's sat unused since April of this year. I paid £252 for the lot in April, and I have it listed on ebay for £179+P&P, but happy to sell it to someone on this forum for £160+P&P...
  9. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    That's very kind of you to say, thank you!
  10. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    My missus volunteered me to make a backgammon board as a 70th birthday gift for my FIL. White oak, sapele and walnut. I didn't make the counters or the dice. This is the first thing I've made which I've been sad to give away!
  11. O

    For Sale For Sale Veritas Router Plane - brand new

    Ok Nick, you've twisted my arm... I'll take it at asking if it's still available.
  12. O

    For Sale For Sale Veritas Router Plane - brand new

    Ok, cheers! Are you open to offers on this?
  13. O

    For Sale For Sale Veritas Router Plane - brand new

    Hi Nick, Do you have the fence with this? Ta!
  14. O

    Jet jointer (misspelt), Swindon, on ebay Nothing to do with me, just spotted it as a misspelling. Seems like a good price?
  15. O

    Sold Triton Bobbin and Belt Sander - New and Unused

    I'd be interested in this if you don't get any local interest and would be willing to post.