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    Pillar drill guard (BS4163 fail)

    The guard should be telescopic as the bit goes into the material to be drilled. Drill is locked off and not able to be used until sorted. The handle is loose as is taken off for photographs now. This is what we need. Now to find the size for the collar. £150+
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    Pillar drill guard (BS4163 fail)

    Drill press JDP-2800VS Informed yesterday that our pillar drills has failed safety inspection as it does not cover the whole of the drill bit as needed in BS 4163. The guard needs to cover the drill bit with no part at the bottom open when used. Guard should rise and fall as drilling is done...
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    Newbie - here to learn

    Hello All, Does a bit of this and a bit of that, but mainly wood. Days of lathe work and big projects are over due to lack of space. Looking forward to your projects and Q&A on here. Ed