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  1. nosuchhounds

    P A Anderson planes

    I've been scouring Ebay for Mitre Planes and came across a beautiful wooden Mitre plane stamped with P A A Anderson. Does anyone have any experience with them?
  2. nosuchhounds

    For Sale Rutlands Mobile work base

    Rutlands mobile work base. Great condition. I have had it set at 530 x 650 but can be set to much larger and smaller. Comes with extension to do so. £40 Collection from Belper, Derbyshire
  3. nosuchhounds

    Shared workspaces

    How common are these in the UK? I'm looking for a space to do larger builds as I'm out growing my workshop and don't have the immediate funds for a build and the wife is considering moving..
  4. nosuchhounds

    Benches for a table

    I'm intrigued by the use of this plane, did you put an auxiliary fence on it?
  5. nosuchhounds

    Wanted Shavehorse

    Im in the midlands so not really manageable for me. Thanks though, appreciated
  6. nosuchhounds

    Wanted Shavehorse

    Wow, thankyou! Depending on where you are based I'd be interested
  7. nosuchhounds

    Wanted Shavehorse

    I had thought about a Shave Pony but I also quite fancy a Roman Workbench so could be a way to incorporate both..
  8. nosuchhounds

    Wanted Shavehorse

    I'm looking for a Shavehorse or shavehorse plans if anyone has one going? I have a very small workshop so knockdown would be ideal however I could possibly find somewhere for it outside under cover
  9. nosuchhounds

    My recent haul..

    I got a call regarding someone looking to offload a lot English Elm and Ash boards. I went and collected all this for £180. I was pleased until I started stickering it and noticed the woodworm! Is this just an expensive mistake? I need to monitor it for a while for the signs of dust from still...
  10. nosuchhounds

    Veritas Router Plane

    Not mine but a good price if you're local
  11. nosuchhounds

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    My take on Pekovich Tea Box not my finest work but I learned a lot whilst making. All hand tools
  12. nosuchhounds

    Sold Record No5 Plane

    Yeah you can buy the yokes from Workshop Heaven for example. The Yoke is the Y leaver attached to the thrust wheel. The lateral was sloppy on one of mine and just gave it a light tap with a punch at the joint
  13. nosuchhounds

    Sold Record No5 Plane

    No longer needed. Flat Sole and well tuned. Upgraded the Yoke to reduced backlash. £30 + postage
  14. nosuchhounds

    Sold Stanley 78 Rebate plane

    Upgraded to the Veritas Skew Rebate plane so no longer needed. £35 + postage
  15. nosuchhounds

    Aqua/bead blasting to remove japanning

    I have access to an Aqua bead Blaster at work that I was considering using to remove japanning from an old Record No5 I want to restore. Is there any detrimental affects from using this?