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    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve replied to the thread Mentor Wanted.
      Thanks Sam, appreciated. I attended an evening course at a local college last year, c20 weeks. Whilst I made progress, I was...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Indiana's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      The best advice I can give you is to book a few days with different people take some courses if you wish. But most importantly...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      I had a mature chap in my workshop last year, on this very basis, came to me with self confidence that he was more than capable in basic...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Indiana's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      Sounds dangerous. Losing fingers aren’t the type of mistakes I’m referring to 😬 Not everyone is cut out for it that’s very true.
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Blister's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      Some years back I offered woodturning guidance , Had 2 people ask to come along , I said yes , This was at my home workshop , The visits...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve replied to the thread Mentor Wanted.
      That is terrible, I would have hunted him down and made him pay. People never cease to amaze me - bad and good.
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to johnnyb's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      When I see posts like this I always consider how work of such truly amazing quality was achieved using simple tools. It's training by...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve replied to the thread Mentor Wanted.
      Deema, you pose a very good question, “what exactly do I want support with?”. This has made me think. I will answer it the best I can...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      The hypocrisy gets me - Starmer - privately educated on a bursary, yet wants others to pay VA, Rayner - benefitted from right to buy...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Gary B's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      I would recommend the Waters & Acland online course, which I am currently a member of. I think I paid £100 for 1 years sub and it has...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Oakay's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      If you can spend some time with a skilled woodworker, offering some free help in return for observing some work in progress, that can be...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to thetyreman's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      even though I have never met him, Paul Sellers is my mentor, I just copied him and it has worked for me, you have to start with the...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      I can see that, often easier to start with a blank canvas. Maybe rather than look for specific help with the end objective of making...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Mentor Wanted with Like Like.
      It is very difficult to be a mentor, I have in the past, and still do, to a limited extent, (with individuals and also at a mens shed)...
    • NorthernSteve
      NorthernSteve replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
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