Recent content by NickDReed

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  1. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Couple of ash bowls, just because
  2. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Today is the culmination of 3 weeks of actual work and 2 years of collecting reclaimed materials to make my new work bench. Don't judge the mess please
  3. N

    Withdrawn Sliding table to fit record power tspp250

    I'm going to be taking the sliding table off my table saw, which is the Fox branded version of the Record Power tspp250. Doubt there will be much interest but thought I'd offer it out before stripping it for materials. £75 Open to offers. Would definitely need to be collected due to...
  4. N

    Strange happening

    Was it this one? We're not alone!
  5. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Finished this end table today, made in the style of the Next furniture that design council purchased previously. Base is simple mortice and tenon. The top was left overs from a bookcase I made before but was a bit narrow. Added so edging to it with some decorative 'dovetails' (be kind) I've not...
  6. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Rough turned some green ash last weekend, and made a new mallet from an offcut of an old oak beam. Haven't been on the lathe for a while, took a bit to get back into it, but now avoiding the list of jobs I have in favour of turning things I don't need.
  7. N

    Anatomy of a table

    Hi all, Thanks for your comments. The 'design' of table is dictated buly the space there is to situate it, and it has to fit in with the other furniture in the room, which is the design council's high end Next stuff. Appreciate all your input and knowledge.
  8. N

    Anatomy of a table

    Evening all, Looking for opinions. I'm building an end table, standard shaker style thing with a drawer, maybe 2. Its going to be approx 90cm wide, 30cm deep, 70cm tall. Legs are approx 5cm thick. Aprons are going to be approx 12cm tall(?). Here's the advice part. Will this table require...
  9. N

    A little truth for a change.

    Might be my ineffective brain, but I have no idea what point you're making.
  10. N

    A little truth for a change.

    Are you suggesting that 70 odd percent of the voting population turned out because they thought their vote was effectively meaningless, and the government might ignore the result anyway?
  11. N

    A little truth for a change.

    Not a privilege, or not a democratic society?
  12. N

    A little truth for a change.

    Consider it a privilege of living in a democratic society.
  13. N

    What lathe to buy

    It's the one I've identified for when I upgrade (currently). If you can get to a show, RP were offering it with the chuck and live centre currently offer online AND the outrigger for £2k at Newark the other day.
  14. N

    helmet and face mask

    Another +1 for Versaflo, pricey but I only have one face and 2 lungs.
  15. N

    Table saw advice?

    What @Cabinetman advises is absolutely correct. I have a Fox version of the Record Power tspp250, this comes with a full length fence, but you can slide the high/low profile attachment to stop just after the first teeth to reduce the risk of kick back. If your having issues with the locking...