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  1. Nick_

    9” bandsaw - I know…

    Thanks for the info.
  2. Nick_

    9” bandsaw - I know…

    Thanks, lots of good info and helps a lot with making a decision.
  3. Nick_

    9” bandsaw - I know…

    Is the any advice on choosing power vs blade speed and table material vs extra cut height.
  4. Nick_

    9” bandsaw - I know…

    it’s a small shed, and is shared with other stuff. Definitely no room for anything bigger, nor pla thanks, good to know.
  5. Nick_

    9” bandsaw - I know…

    I’d love a 12 or 14” bandsaw to do all sorts with, but after checking available space in the back of my shed, there isn’t even room for a record power 250. I’m not really looking for anything for resawing, but I do want to make little ornaments etc - things like this It seems I have only a...
  6. Nick_

    Wanted Excalibur Scroll Saw EX-16

    There’s one on ebay
  7. Nick_

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Thanks Keith. I’ll take the drill for sure. I actually meant to type bench bandsaw. As much as I’d love the Kapex, I don’t have the space. I’ll drop you a private message
  8. Nick_

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Sorry to hear of you recent health problems, but glad you’re on the mend. I live in Sale, so shouldn’t be too far away. I’m only working out of a shed and have quite a few tools, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t need a job lot, but would be interested if you had a scroll saw or benchtop piller drill or...
  9. Nick_

    Wanted Woodrat wr900 / larger

    I have one and a 600, along with a Dewalt 625 and plunge bar. Also, probably worth just as much, the woodrat cutters
  10. Nick_

    Festool OF2200 vs 1400

    They are both plunge routers, and both are excellent. Since starting this thread I purchased the OF1400, with a view to selling the OF2200, but I’ve hesitated. I’m going to use only the OF1400 for a few months to make sure I’m completely happy with it. Both are great routers, but the OF2200 is...
  11. Nick_

    Sold Makita DTM52ZX2 18V Li-ion LXT Brushless Multi-Tool

    Bump. Any offers before I have to dive in to the fun that is eBay?
  12. Nick_

    Sold The Ultimate Router Base

    Somebody beat me to it unfortunately.
  13. Nick_

    Sold The Ultimate Router Base

    Hi, I’ll take it thank you. Seems only appropriate that I also buy it on a whim 😀 I’ll drop you a DM
  14. Nick_

    Router table and router combination?

    I’m considering selling some items you may be interested in. All purchased from woodworkers workshop within the past 12 months. Auk router table top and fence £220 Muscle chuck extension £75 JessEm rout-r premium lift with Dewalt plate £400 NVR switch £55 Dewalt 625 router £150 Total new cost...
  15. Nick_

    Sold Proxxon KT 150 - New (unused)

    I purchased this a few months ago, and really didn’t need it. I’ve not used it as all, so as new other than a small tear to the outer box. £140 delivered