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  1. N

    Any users of Lumberjack TS1800 Table Saw?

    I've bought one of these after a lot of research; several Youtube presenters rated it very highly. Firstly I had a variant of the electrical problem; there used to be an issue requiring a slow blue fuse in the 13amp plug. Mine came fitted with that, but the garage circuit would sometimes...
  2. N

    Seeking advice on the use of Axminster Table Saw AC216TS

    I bought the saw and the sliding table some time back, but only recently have I been able to start setting it up in earnest. I'm pretty new to the use of "proper" woodworking machines and I frequently find small obstacles that throw me for a while. This could well be due to a naive approach...
  3. N

    Advice on table saw that is "quietish"

    Thank you one and all for your useful feedback. I'm actively following up a couple of the ideas.
  4. N

    Advice on table saw that is "quietish"

    I’m trying to get into woodworking in a hobby / craft fashion, and I’m looking for advice on a small or compact table saw that is accurate, not at the top end of noisy because of neighbours, and costing around £400 to £500. I give more details of my current workshop below, but in summary here is...