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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Hegner feature…...
    🤦‍♂️ you are wrong...again.. i was done with this thread a couple of days ago..yet despite the comment from sideways are...
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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Drawing board cover material.
    Try the vinyl stuff that is sold ( cut to length from a wide roll ) for covering table cloths, or for pic-nics. usually comes in...
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    mwinfrance reacted to XTiffy's post in the thread Hegner feature….. with Like Like.
    I have great sympathy with mwinfrance. I have so often come across "experts" including on this forum. It is very frustrating to read...
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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Hegner feature…...
    The reason I mentioned "law enforcement" is because on some forums people ( often "drive bys" ) post things which are illegal, ( cpron...
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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Hegner feature…...
    Editing your previous comments to remove things that you have said, ( your post timed at 20.15 was very different when you originally...
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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Hegner feature…...
    If he ( your grandson ) knew what he was talking about ( he doesn't ) I would not have commented about him.I see or hear someone talking...
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    mwinfrance replied to the thread Hegner feature…...
    He understands less that you and he think he does. Private browsing does not stop trackers, it merely stops anyone who uses your browser...
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    mwinfrance reacted to RonnieI's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
    I've reported several things to Facebook over the last year or so; inappropriate content, mislesding/false advertising, etc. Every...
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    mwinfrance reacted to brocher's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
    I agree. I was actually quite active on Twitter but since Musk bought it, he has destroyed it totally. It is a vile place now, so I...
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    mwinfrance reacted to Doris's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
    I personally have never had any sales through Instagram. In person has always been the best way for me to sell. Almost all artists I...
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    mwinfrance reacted to deema's post in the thread Ercol chair repair with Haha Haha.
    They burn very nicely😜and in the cold weather could help reduce your heating costs?
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    mwinfrance reacted to Eshmiel's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
    A Curate's Egg - "Good in parts, my lord". This is perhaps the critical attribute of such "services" - they have inbuilt rots and...
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    mwinfrance reacted to Eshmiel's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
    "Plague" is the correct description of the many so-called "social media" channels infesting the intrawebbery. This is becoming more...
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    mwinfrance reacted to deema's post in the thread Chocolate Teapot ? with Haha Haha.
    I’ve tried a number of different sharpening systems, and now use a Faber-Castell sharpening jig (£126 Amazon) on 6000 grit pencil media...
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    A wise man commented: If the constabulary have a suspicion that you are engaged in a nefarious activity, they have to go to a judge...