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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Sorry, I'm choosing not to answer as its not an argument I wish to get into.
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I have anecdotal experience. My rental properties that I offer are in a good condition and well maintained and managed and I look after...
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    monster reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    A relative told me years ago he had worked on huge council estates in the Midlands in the '50s. The houses were primitive, they weren't...
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    monster reacted to Delaney's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Never Every institution, pension fund, insurance fund, the city and government are up to the eyeballs in real estate. If prices...
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Slum tenants need them. Good tenants do not deserve bad landlords, similarly Good landlords do not deserve bad tenants.
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Ah, envy - the usual driver of the socialist is rearing its head! I am not sure the system is broken, although I do agree its likely to...
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    monster reacted to Ozi's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Fortunately for me I have no mortgages but the whole idea that it was a tax relieve drives me mad. It was a business cost on a loan...
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Not really - I ensured my properties were safe and fit for purpose long before the regulations came along that now exist. I have a...
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    monster reacted to Scruples's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Hmm...well, being born into an old property with no bathroom or indoor loo, no washing machine or tumble drier, I can't agree with you...
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    monster reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    I paid a letting agent to do the inspections. They were incompetent. My current tenants lets me know what needs doing as soon as it’s...
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    The point is that the more regulation there is, the more upwards pressure there is on rents. People like Jacob call for ever more and...
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I have just received back a property that had the same tenant in it for the last 14 years. It's a property I built myself and took great...
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Surely these people are providing a service by renovating houses - Do you think people should do homes up for free?
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Not if you don't vote.
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    monster replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    The hate comes from the far left whose real agenda is driven by spite and envy of those who 'have' - they dress it up as empathy for the...