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  • MikeJhn
    Who remembers the 50cc Item road bikes, 16,000 revs and a power band that was only over 2,000 of those, if I remember 12-14,000, it was...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread 43" TV recomendations?.
    In a word "Reliability"
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread 43" TV recomendations?.
    You can't go wrong with a Sony Bravia Smart TV, I would go as far as saying it's as near instantaneous that it's not noticeable on...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to user 26575's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Wow Wow.
    It's still violence, whether you consider it offensive or defensive.
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread strong fix to dot and dab walls?.
    Dot and Dab walls where only invented to speed up construction and get rid of wet trade, the dumbing down of the construction industry...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
    And we still pay people to have children. I find the above offensive (anti-Semitism) in that "Israels state sponsored violence" has...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to JimJay's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
    And I think that people should engage their brains before making silly comments like yours. The OSA would be better named The...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread Buying a first bandsaw.
    Just comparing the blade guides would make my choice for me, Sabre use's proper bearings orientated in the direction of the blade...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread Amazon delivery speedy.
    When you where young did you knock on your neighbours door and run away, if so Amazon are recruiting and you are an ideal person for...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread Online Safety Act.
    I'v had a facebook account for years and don't get any irrelevant or offensive content sent to me, it has got to be to do with where you...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to Rhossydd's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Like Like.
    I think people need to read the detail of this before making silly comments. Anyone that knows the harms of online content will...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to ChaiLatte's post in the thread Online Safety Act with Haha Haha.
    Would that not drive away all our vegetarian and vegan members?
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to Bumble's post in the thread Failure to plan... with Like Like.
    There are many cases in my workshop where things were not thought through... My bit box looks alright but I can not reach the bits...
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn reacted to Tris's post in the thread Gen Z and DiY with Like Like.
    To be fair, if he's earning 6 figures a year from those hands I don't expect he'd risk it
  • MikeJhn
    MikeJhn replied to the thread Strange plumbing issue.
    Pressure regulator on incoming main set to three bar, pressure regulator on HW tank outlet to tundish set to seven bar, always worked...