Recent content by Mike Fletcher

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  1. M

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    This will be my last post on this subject as it is getting a bit carried away. My push shoe is made from an old handsaw handle with a long-ish piece of plywood attached and a hook on the end. My hand only reaches the blade area when the cut is almost complete, and my hand is more than one hand...
  2. M

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Perhaps my explanation of “imagine the cut” needs some clarification. I have been using tables saws of various configurations for close to 50 years and still have both hands and all ten fingers. “Imagine the cut” is one of many practices that I adhere to whether I’m performing rip cuts or...
  3. M


    I have a 2000 watt Trend T10 in a Trend table. Cuts anything that I need to cut.
  4. M

    American power tools and the effect of tariffs

    Maybe we encourage Axminster to start making the things we buy from America and Canada. Maybe they could use the increased (potential) revenue?
  5. M

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    I wonder how many occasions of kickback occur compared to occasions of people cutting their finger off? If you don't know how to use a table saw (and adhere to all the general safety practices) then you shouldn't own a saw. One hand width from the blade, and before you make a cut image the cut...
  6. M

    Mitre saw stop block safety

    Along with the stop block spacer / flip stop, never raise the blade while it's still spinning. Only clamp one side of the piece you are cutting. The objective is to allow the unclamped piece to be able to move away from the blade once the cut is complete. If there is any play in the saws...
  7. M

    Mitre saw stop block safety

    Set up the stop block with a removable spacer or flip stop. Before you make the cut remove the spacer or raise the flip stop so the timber can slide away from the blade when the cut is complete.
  8. M

    Water based varnish

    I find the water based varnish dries too quickly, giving light and dark spots. Oil based cut 50 /50 with spirits and applies with a lint free cloth works the best for me. It takes several coats, with overnight drying but the finish is superb. Sand between coats with 800 grit and spirits.
  9. M

    10" thicknesser and planer advice

    Our Shed was donated a Scheppach HMS 260. It is the older German produced variety and it is build like a bridge. Very very solid and heavy. For the reasons mentioned above we don't allow reclaimed scaffold boards. Overall a very good machine. If you can find one in your budget, buy it!
  10. M


    If you're using an electronic protractor make sure your're not going beyond 90 degrees and reading the angle going the other way. What you may be reading is actually 90.2 degrees.
  11. M

    Axminster prices

    I'll say it again, I don't mind paying for something that is accurate and will last my lifetime. A friend bought a drill press for a few pounds and was very proud of his "getting the best price". It sounded like it had square bearings and died after a couple of holes. No one to talk to get a...
  12. M

    Workshop replacement strip lights

    I installed five, two tube LED batten lights in my extended double garage. Bought them from Screwfix, don't recall the specific model but it is like daylight in there, no shadows, and my failing eyesight can see everything.
  13. M

    Scary, I'm going on the telly.

    When we started our Repair Cafe two years ago, I was in frame for about three seconds for a BBC special on Repair Cafe's and environmental projects in general. The only comments I heard was "who's the ugly guy over there".
  14. M

    Axminster prices

    I like the Axminster stuff that I have bought, trade table saw, band saw, extractor, and more. All have been accurate, reliable, and (in my mind) good value for money. One item was a lathe chuck (SK100) and it is beautifully made, such that I was reluctant to use it and wanted to mount it on a...
  15. M

    Chess board oil finish??

    I've made several chess boards over the years and I'm not looking forward to the next one only because they take so much time and render the bench unusable while being finished. I'll try to keep this brief. I have used ash and black walnut as I think it makes a good contrast. I always run the...