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  1. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    All finished. I opted for several coats of danish and a coat of wax. Lots of things I'd change, but overall pretty happy with it.
  2. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    nice! never head of that. Will check it out. Many thanks
  3. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Cheers Richard. This has been a project in the making for some time as my uncle makes custom amps and mods and we wanted to do something special together so it was definitely worth the decent timber and effort. @thetyreman thanks, I've not used that product before, but grabbed some danish oil...
  4. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Hi Richard Thanks for your thoughts on the finish. I'm going to pop to the hardware store at lunchtime and see what they've got. Its been a project in mind for several years now with my uncle. He makes and mods amps, so it might become something we do more often, but this is the first. Yes...
  5. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    My uncle wanted to split his Fender 2x12 amp into a head and cab to make it lighter to carry. Still need to add a finish and front panel. Hes going to fit the spring reverb tray in the bottom too.
  6. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Hi all After some advice on finish for this amp head I've made for my uncle. He gigs in pubs quite a bit so its going to need to be robust. I've seen some online that are covered in thick varnish that just make it look like plastic which I think would be a shame. Maybe several layers of danish...
  7. M

    Fitting butt hinges to a box and how to reduce the gap

    Thanks everyone for your input. I'm aware of Andrew's SmartHinges and in hindsight should have gone with these. Will try these next time. I dislike the appearance of the hinges being cut deep, but I could get away with another mm on each leaf here which will help the gap and I'll live with that.
  8. M

    Fitting butt hinges to a box and how to reduce the gap

    Hi all I've recently made this oak dovetail box and I'm trying to fit brass butt hinges. I've cut them into the back and lid so they are flush, but this leaves a substantial gap at the back. I could cut them in deeper, but that looks rubbish. Are there better butt hinges that don't do this...
  9. M

    Capacitor advice for a Startrite 275 table saw 240v

    Hi Roy - Many thanks for the prompt reply! I can find 120uf 400v capacitors. Would it be safe to go from 275v to 400v? Or are there limits on increasing the values?
  10. M

    Capacitor advice for a Startrite 275 table saw 240v

    Hi all Been a long time since I popped by the forum! Lots of life changes. Glad to see the forum is doing well and lots of new members. My table saw has been slowly loosing uumph over the last year. I rarely use it to be honest, but need it to work when I do. From reading round it seems most...
  11. M

    Books - final clearance - updated

    Hi Ray Your books are on their way. Gary, I have replied to your second PM but its sat in my outbox, unread by you. Do let me know if you still want the Alan Peters book. Kind regards Paul
  12. M

    Books - final clearance - updated

    Hi there Yes, I got your PM and have replied. No worries, I've reserved the books you have requested. If you post a few more times you should be able to send me a new PM from your new account. Many thanks Paul
  13. M

    Books - final clearance - updated

    Gary I'm so sorry. I completely missed your post! I saw this one when I was packing up the others to send and wondered why no one had bought it yet. Its one of the best. A really insightful book. Please PM me your details and I'll send you my info for payment. Many thanks. Paul
  14. M

    Books - final clearance - updated

    Excellent. Thanks very much for letting me know.