Recent content by mc281

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  1. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    And Penistone Road in Sheffield..... Our grandkids always insisted on having the SatNav working...... Still laugh every time we go back to Sheffield, even though Google Maps have rectified their pronunciation.
  2. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

  3. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Sounds a bit fishy to me!
  4. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Your eyes!
  5. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

  6. mc281

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Come back and review how you feel in a couple of years time!
  7. mc281

    Yew can't throw that away!

    More or less rescued from disposal, this 900mm long piece of Yew just looked like it might make a decent wall light/arty piece. I have become a fan of Odies Oil after several months of outstanding results and it really hasn't darkened the colour, just enhanced it! Standing it off the wall by...
  8. mc281

    Car tax / road fund licence

    No you can keep the vehicle anywhere.... It's the fee that you pay to be allowed to shake your car to pieces by driving over the potholes, which incidentally no-one wishes to do anyway! The government are considering a plan to flood all the roads with overflow sewage, allowing us all to travel...
  9. mc281


    It's not your's ours!
  10. mc281

    So it happened.........what next

    Take a look at The Fire Service or The NHS.
  11. mc281

    Pergola Advice

    You are incorrect as a flat strip works perfectly. A structural engineer advised this 20 years ago and it has been solid ever since on a floor support in a listed building.
  12. mc281

    Pergola Advice

    Better, as lighter weight, is a thin flat strip of steel underneath, screwed every 100mm in zig zag pattern, to avoid splitting. If you jack it up in the middle, before fixing, you will amazed how well this works. It costs much less than angle and may transported rolled up. An angle will flex...
  13. mc281

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    If I'm brush painting I go round the room anticlockwise (I'm RH), as laying off is easier dragging right to left into wet paint. If I'm rolling I go clockwise, as I can always see the roller leaving the wet edge without looking around the roller to see the RH. If I know there's a lot of painting...
  14. mc281

    3D printer location

    I keep mine in a small walk in cupboard which is insulated and the only heat is from the print bed. I have printed right through winter butI got fed up of going outside across the yard to check on progress, until I fitted a Beagle 1st gen camera/printer hub. It is an absolute game changer.