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  1. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    OK< well, F&B technical dept told me that in this case, teh primer I am using ( Tikurilla Otex) is great, however their water based products should not be used over the top , especially in conjunction with linseed putty, for several months, to fully allow all the solvents to offgas......this is...
  2. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Thanks - though the F&B guidance says use acrylic putty then goes on to advise assuming thats whats used, does not mention trad putty: "If replacement putty is required for new or existing glazing, for best results use an acrylic based glazing putty which is designed to work well with modern...
  3. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Sadly, yes, too late to start again, as per Ollys advice. Next batch I will look into using a different putty - I got the sashes glazed by a professional glazer this time, who did them much quicker and better than I could, he uses trad putty. He did use Hodgsons putty. And obviously us keeping...
  4. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Well we have spent all day painstakingly washing off the fresh water based paint taking great care not to mark the putty under. Its taken all day. Not happy about leaving a base layer on the putty that might peel off taking the oil based with it, so hoping to re do using the Tikurilla oil based...
  5. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Hi Jacob, if we have already tried some with the water based, how do we best deal with that? Hopefully not too late for the rest, but surprised no one has pointed this basic fact out before! And will it be OK unpainted outside? I was worried primarily about water ingress between teh...
  6. markturner

    Dust collection thoughts

    I could put up with that for the short amount of time the machines will be running, if they do the job......?
  7. markturner

    Dust collection thoughts

    I have recently got a spindle moulder and its in a separate part of my workshop, quite a way from the old sheppach half horsepower extractor I use for the bandsaw. Which is not great anyway.....I do have a Festool CTL26 which does all the small power tools. Looking at workshop extractors, they...
  8. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Hi, coming back to this because the putty is still as soft as when we had it done, despite 3 weeks of drying. We have started painting using the Tikurilla Otex water based primer. We tried both types, the oil based was too thick and difficult to apply on the soft putty without marking it...
  9. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Thanks , can I paint the F&B system over the Otex without issues? I did dust with whiting, yes
  10. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    I know several threads exist on here and have looked at most. I have a specific query regarding the sashes I am currently making and installing. They were glazed using trad putty 2 weeks ago, stored in the house & workshop for painting. I am told by the glazer we can paint after 2 weeks, but the...
  11. markturner

    Spindle tooling advice

    Lots to digest, thank you...will probably speak to Whitehill initially, thx again
  12. markturner

    Spindle tooling advice

    Hmmm, seems a bit of a minefield....maybe I should speak to one supplier..? Opinions on this...
  13. markturner

    Spindle tooling advice

    I am not questioning the advice, which is gratefully recieved, but just asking for some clarification, as all this is new to me.....for tenoning, if I brought this block, I would have to do 2 passes, cut first bottom pass then turn the workpiece over to do the top one.....and it would do a...
  14. markturner

    Spindle tooling advice

    As title, as proud new owner of a Hammer F3 I am looking to get some tooling and spend as wisely as possible. I will mostly be using for rebating, gooving, tenoning, and the occasional bit of profiling for sash window bars etc. I have been looking at getting one of these...
  15. markturner

    Spindle moulder advice

    For anyone interested, I brought the Hammer....