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  1. K

    Anyone recognize the brand? B&T GRAY SHEFFIELD (BACKSAW)

    I wouldn't change the screws now (if anyone asks, just say it was a special order for left handers :) ) [Unless, you are going to make a traditional old style handle, then change the screw orientation]
  2. K

    How to square a wonky piece of wood?

    Thickness planer first, to get the wide sides parallel. then Jointer with a good fence to joint the edges square. Or use hand planes and winding sticks for the first face, and check subsequent adjacent face using a square as noted
  3. K

    Anyone recognize the brand? B&T GRAY SHEFFIELD (BACKSAW)

    Saws were traditionally made so that you see the flat of the screw head when you hold the saw in your right hand with the blade pointing left. (i.e. left side of saw has screw head showing, right side of saw has the nut with its slot for screwdriver showing) This is more obvious on all saws with...
  4. K

    Anyone recognize the brand? B&T GRAY SHEFFIELD (BACKSAW)

    G&T Gray 1849-1929. Simon Barley dates your mark to c1860, but the handle looks newer, maybe a replacement (which might explain why the screws were in backwards)
  5. K

    Help identifying tool

    Guessing. Maybe used as a guide in cutting tiles/glass to fit in a pre-determined area. e.g. pre-set the angle, slide the tile in behind the sliding vertical post and mark for cutting
  6. K

    Marples Cleaver Dating

    Have a look through these Marples catalogues (1928 p37 looks promising)
  7. K

    Saw identification and approximate year of manufacture? Saw has new hard point blade fitted but I’m just curious if anyone can I’d it!

    Likely made for R Fairclough & Co of 72 Byron St Liverpool (1856-1883). Listed as "edge tool and plane maker" in the 1860 Liverpool directory. (wooden planes seem to be the most common "R Fairclough" tools found in a quick web search)
  8. K

    Sharpening jig for short chisels

    Stanley 200 honing guide. With the wheel riding on the bench, and the stone in a raised bed
  9. K

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    A man and a woman who had never met before, but who were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the...
  10. K

    Maker identification

    The plane blade with an eye (and likely the horned wooden plane) will be French, made by Goldenberg. Französische Werkzeughersteller und -händler: Goldenberg, Dorlisheim
  11. K

    Strange old spade bit.

    Similar style, but with only two spurs, were called "button bits" and were used to cut buttons in shell/bone/ivory/horn/ebony etc. Your 4 spur version could cut an annulus/washer in similar materials, but I don't know what for (If the inner spurs were shorter you could cut a button with an...
  12. K

    unusual screwdriver

    This idea is a bust. Polished it, put it on the wall, talked to it, but I can't get any conversation out of it. (I could try flowers, or chocolates, but its probably only good for screwing)
  13. K

    unusual screwdriver

    found a picture of another one, slightly different handle design, same thin bladed driver. I think the suggestion that this is for adjusting some screw setting (carburetor, or ?), not for driving wood screws, is more likely correct
  14. K

    unusual screwdriver

    Found this unusual right angle drive screwdriver. I've not seen one like it before. Big, heavy, requires two haned operation. You hold the metal shaft in one hand, and turn the wooden handle to drive the gears that turn the screwdriver blade. I'm assuming its a screwdriver, made for accessing...
  15. K

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Will I Live to see 80? (Here's something to think about.) I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, she said I was doing fairly well for my age. (I am past Seventy Five). A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking her...