Recent content by Kevin Riley

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  1. K

    Faded japaning.

    I've bought a few War finish record planes, whole set to be honest. I'm a leave as is or make like new ???
  2. K


    Than Thank you for that. I managed to get a 1934 copy and absolutely love it.
  3. K

    WDS Moxon vice hardware

    THANKYOU, exactly what I want to do but with the wheel kit on a mini bench. I'll call you if I get stuck. Cheers Bud. Kev
  4. K

    Vice (again)

    Got my record 52 last week on ebay. Wow the quality. Also went silly and bought about 20 planes ( my money not the sheds) as we just started a mens shed and I want the guys to get into the old school way of working. Going to fit to a worktop bench with a moxen vise.
  5. K

    Need advice on a small footprint woodworking bench build

    That is a shed I could fall in love with. Just about enough space to do anything. Nice one.
  6. K

    Moxon Vice parts.

    That's what I thought, why have the rods sticking out. Need to design a way it recedes back so it's compact.
  7. K

    Moxon Vice parts.

    Looking to build a small worktop bench with MFT holes and a Moxon vice and maybe tail end vice. Anyone have a good source of moxon vice parts as the kits are quite expensive. Part of a new shed so maybe a few members might also want to copy the build. Cheers guys Kev.
  8. K

    Helping at a repair cafe

    That is so wrong, going out of his way and then getting abuse. Let them spend the hundreds it would cost to fix. Then maybe be a little more pleasant in the future.
  9. K


    Thanks for the info, I'm just buying one now.
  10. K


    That is some beautiful kit. I've got some of them but a bit jealous right now. Just spent about 600 quid on old Record hand planes ( in a week) and will donate a few to our new 6 week old mens shed. Hartland Men's shed fleet. ( little plug for the shedders)
  11. K

    Helping at a repair cafe

    Well said, try and find a trade person willing to fix a burnt out cable on a toaster. As a new shed member we are asked not to build anything that a local carpenter would do as part of their livelihood.
  12. K

    Helping at a repair cafe

    I personally would take your basic tools but not every single variant you own. But also hold back in your car a more specialist set in case you come across a more unique issue, rather than bodge a repair by using the wrong tool. I think over time you will get to know what you reach for and what...
  13. K

    Odd hand tools saved

    Hi brand new here, what is in the hot citric bath please.